
Feminism is about freedom, empowerment and looking out for the best interest of women?

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They want women to be free from objectification and yet they have "liberated" women to expose themselves for objectification.

They want rape to be brought into the open but they have so warped the definition of rape that the real victims are left in a socially awkward position.

They want women to be able to choose her life path as long as it's not as a homemaker.

They want women to be valued but only based on the amount of income she makes.

Feminism is about freedom, empowerment and looking out for the best interest of women? Please tell me then...what exactly is my best interest?




  1. A true Feminist is a woman who sticks up for the rights of "people", both men and women,  because as woman, she has the power do so!

    She fights for equal pay for equal work, be it a man or woman doing the job.

    She fights all violence, because she knows that where there is violence, it will become against women, men and children. Violence doesn't care about plumbing.

    She stands up for what is fair in an unbiased way, because with her intuitive and empathic powers in being a woman, she has a gifting to be able to sort out fairness! She makes a good Judge!

    She fights to make society aware of the huge values that a woman has to offer, because "she is a woman"!

    She can love her man because she isn't afraid to let him see her in the beauty and artistic as well as sensual creature that a woman really is without worrying.."s*x object"! Among many things, she is sexually beautiful, and that is a "Good"! Men are s**y to women, and can be looked at that way when appropriate, and It's "Good"!

    Her Man can Love Her because she is a Woman.

    She is looked up to by all because of her wholeness and completeness in mental perspective.

    She takes many leader positions because of this.

    These are all best interests, and only the beginning!  Self seeking type better interest is so old, and gone! "Woman is much more than that"!

    It's women's time in history to count and help a world that has gone on too long with mostly the attributes of man pushing it, and we're in big trouble folks!

    Men and women need the influence of each other to be complete in direction, and each offers strengths that complete the other.

    Men have force strength in shaping the world, but it takes understanding of people, their feelings, and the counter balance of matters which men over look, in order to bring a world into what it always should have been.

    I'm not speaking as religious, but as illustration...this garden or place where we live had a couple side by side to look after it, named Adam and Eve or Eve and Adam, who really cares, and to take care of the future of it, it's creatures, it's many species, of which we have already lost thousands, and a togetherness in midst of it all.

    Even Islam remembers this couple and needs to remember back a bit.

    I'm Only 24, and I see women this way, mainly because my Mom was a great lady and to me a Feminist. She understood so much!

    She didn't favor me or my sister because of our plumbing, but she made me feel good about being a male, and my sexuality, as well encouraging me with my abilities and telling me of what I was capible of doing because I was a man. She made my sister proud to be a woman, making her aware of her unique strengths, which made me aware of them as well.

    My Dad was busy farming, and worked hard and so late some times to make a living, and my Mom worked more regular hours with the post office, so she had the most direct impact on my sister and myself. My sister and I are really close.

    My Dad was awesome too and Him and my Mom were sweet on each other!

    My Mom was a great Woman..."Lady"! and if she could have influence the world like she had influenced my sister and me, it would be a whole different world, and the place of women here today would look totally different!

    Hope this gives some useful thought

    Me! :- )  

  2. The tragedy, herein, is that all this gibberish about freedom for women, empowerment and looking out for women's best interests is nothing but toothless rhetoric (as clearly exemplified by the lovely Feminists here).

    Feminism is hardly concerned about the interests of normal women.  It's about the advancement of irrational hatred and fear of men & boys.

    Hopefully this query will make this self-evident.

  3. You've appeased your own concerns with your answer to Karen's question.  All movements have good and bad sides.  Movements in general have one goal; to win.  Ultimately, the goal is to win even if others are damaged in the process.

  4. Your best interest is to do what makes you happy and forget about what everyone else thinks

  5. Why would I presume to tell you what's in your best interest, when you told me what feminism has done for me and got it wrong?  Seems to me you're pretty good at setting your own agenda.  

  6. "They want women to be free from objectification and yet they have "liberated" women to expose themselves for objectification. "

    Um...I don't expose myself. WTF?

    "They want rape to be brought into the open but they have so warped the definition of rape that the real victims are left in a socially awkward position."

    I don't want to embarrass anyone! Geez! As long as the criminal is caught, I don't care.

    "They want women to be able to choose her life path as long as it's not as a homemaker."

    I have nothing against homemakers. My mother is one.

    "They want women to be valued but only based on the amount of income she makes."

    Um...WTF? You are so wrong. That would be incredibly shallow.

    "Feminism is about freedom, empowerment and looking out for the best interest of women? Please tell me then...what exactly is my best interest?"

    Your best interest is having equal rights, which feminism has helped you get.


  7. I strongly encourage you to stop telling feminists what they want.

    EDIT: Why, yes, for I am personally responsible for all injustices against men and non-feminist women. And I know where you sleep.

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