
Feminism - is this the correct definition?

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Most feminists are trying to allow women the rights to do what they wish (within law, obviously. Nothing harmful to others). I.e. if you WANT to be a stay at home mum, and are happy, that's fine. But it should not be expected. And women should be considered equal in the workplace.

I think I am a feminist - what I dislike about the world at the moment is the stereotyping. My own mother and her friends do it, probably as much as many men. All this 'a girl couldnt have designed that', 'boys are more motivated' etc. I think perhaps they may be true about 50% of women, but they assume it is everyone (perhaps because it's how they feel.)

Interestingly, I am not a feminist man-hater at all. I dislike misogynists, but thats as far as I'd cut it. I have much more anger towards the WOMEN who oppress women.




  1. Yes your are correct.  Feminism was about choice, not what the other posters say here.  Most of these posters weren't even born when the women's movement happened.  That cracks me up, there really aren't so-called feminists anymore, just women with choices.  The sad part is that most women have to work because of the economy, this has been going on since the 80's.

  2. If you think you are a feminist then you are

  3. Women belittle the feminist movement as much as men.  I really have to wonder about them.  Are they trying to please the men in their own lives by subordinating their entire gender?  Are they brain-washed by religion?

    If this were the Civil Rights movement in the 60's for blacks those women would be called Uncle Toms.

    I fully support a wife's right to stay at home, and my wife did that when my kids were younger.  Not that she needs my permission.  She is my equal partner.  I am glad that she shares 50% of the joys and responsibilities of life.

  4. A lot of women are raised to believe women are too dumb to do anything but house work and a lot of them fall for it.

  5. As a man I am very much out of tune with women oppressing women or cutting them down, but after I saw 'The Devil Wears Prada' I was shocked at just how cruel women can be to other women. The constant verbal cut-downs and sarcasm that some women give to each other were almost unbearable for me to watch on TV. This phenomena has caused many women to want to befriend men, which is a huge challenge when so many straight men really want to sleep with you. So you've got women you can't trust on the one hand, and men who want to be 'more' than friends on the other hand.

  6. Actions speak louder than words. I recognize the fact that not all feminists are man haters or pushing for female supremacy.

       But.. a really big But.. A certain section of outspoken and influential feminists are man haters and do push of female supremacy. You’re basically a human shield intended to deflect criticism against feminism. That’s where moderate feminism work's into the radical design.

            And since radicals are a threat to my personnel well being, safety and basic human rights I have to view all feminists as a threat. Because even the most moderate feminist is still inherently sexist. Feminism is a women’s rights movement focusing on women’s rights.

         If you believed in equal rights regardless of gender, race, religion well you would have became an equalitarian.

           Stereotypes are nothing more than calculated assumptions. Most aren’t accurate but there created so you have a "guide stone" to go by. But the whole thing about girls couldn’t do this or that is mostly B.S. Human beings regardless of gender are curious beings capable of almost unlimited greatness.

           Some times for the better sometimes not.


    As to your definition it is correct to a lesser degree. But our society needs a shift.

      Suppose you have a husband and wife. The wife makes 3 times the amount the husband makes. Do you think the family would benefit more if the wife became a stay at home mom?

          Or would it be better for the husband to fill that role for a few years?

        We have to let go of past bigotry's and archaic traditions in order to deal with the present.

  7. Uh, when you want a definition, then a dictionary is a good place to look.

    Feminism is the belief in the equal rights of women to men.

    As far as all the "a girl couldn't have designed that" garbage -- educate yourself about what women (seldom female CHILDREN, or 'girls', but adult women) HAVE designed and otherwise contributed.

    Uh, what's intresting about not hating men? Most feminists don't hate men. Heck, a LOT of feminists ARE men.

    Obsessing on which s*x is doing what is mis-guided. Assuming all women are incompetent morons is the problem, whoever is making that assumption.

  8. Feminists strive for equal opportunities for men and women-socially; politically; and economically. Men can be feminists-so feminists don't usually hate men-any more than the average guy hates women. And yes-feminism is about choices-each family decides who stays home and who works and who does what-but of course it depends on your financial situation what you can afford to do. If you want to learn more about feminism-and the many myths about feminism-here's a place to start:

    If you want to learn about feminist political actions-here's a link to NOW (they don't speak for all feminists-we all pick and choose what we believe and what issues we want to work on):

  9. That's individualist/liberal feminism in a nutshell.

  10. I would say no. Feminists might also try to tackle aspects of law itself which unfairly favour men. Feminism is a movement which tries to bring equality in areas of society concerning women or where women are unfairly treated. That can include aspects of law. A feminist can be apart of that movement or a person who holds the same belief.

  11. Feminism is a greedy and hateful creed that is destorying America.

  12. Pretty much - liberal feminism, anyway - it is more about social stereotypes and prejudice in most western countries, freedom of choice and equal treatment. So yes, that is feminist. Most feminists do not hate men. Nor do they think women should be superior or try to oppress men. (Oh, and I don't think those things are true of even 50% of women, btw)

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