
Feminist are you married?

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"If your a feminist and you find a man who agrees with your ideology, good for you. I do for-warn modern feminist, if you do plan to get married, you will have a difficult time finding a man who agrees with your beliefs. Good Luck." says one misogynist... I have to say not that hard... I am married already and there are plenty of real men out there for feminist to pick from its not difficult. Like with any love it takes time to find a soul mate... I just have to wonder is he married... To AnyOne?




  1. I plan to marry and currently have a wonderful man by my side who will do the same.  I won't lie - he does not agree with some of my beliefs, based solely, I'm sure, on the misconceptions of men and feminism, but he never looks down on me for that, and if he does question something, he communicates that to me, and for me, that's all I need.

    As far as this man goes (quote), sure, I can see him marrying, but I also can not see him not marrying (everybody, even misogynists, get lonely).  It's really personal choice - marriage is not for everybody.

  2. Feminists do not generally believe in or respect the institution of marriage.

  3. From the peanut gallery: Men don't date feminist we have s*x and move along, hardcore feminist are so h**l bent to prove they can be like men they will spread anytime a man challenges their conviction. You might as well paint a giant bullseye on your back because we can pinpoint you without difficulty. Men want a partner not a dictator so we look for traditional women.

  4. Nope, not married. But I do have a long-term boyfriend which is planned to lead to marriage soon after I finish my education.

    btw, agreeing on all beliefs isn't entirely necessary, at least in my relationship it isn't.  We're polar opposites ideology-wise but we respect each others differences and learn a lot from each other.  Then again we're both people who love to argue so it kinda works out lol.

    IMO: a feminist-friendly man is not one who agrees with everything I think feminism is or even agrees with feminism at all.  He's a man who isn't so egotistical as to believe that his ideas of what a woman "should be" should trump her ideas of what she wants to be herself.  In essence, he's accepting, not demanding.

  5. I'm a feminist, happily married for almost 16 years.  We've been together for 21.

  6. not really a feminist but i am a HUGE advocate for WOMAN'S RIGHTS. i tend to consider myself more of an individualist

    no i'm not married

    don't know if i want to be

    but the thought of it intrigues me....

  7. i am married.

    one of my good friends is married and her husband stays home to raise their children.  she does national television and print ads.

    another friend is the ceo/president of a large multinational company.  her husband, who is a former physician, stays home with their child.

  8. In a relationship with two on the waiting list.

  9. I ain't feminist.

  10. Yes.  Happily for nine years, came to it a bit late, but he was worth waiting for.  No kids, one stepson.  Remember, in real life, the goals of feminism are taken for granted.  He doesn't think of himself as a feminist, but we grew up in the same era, and he understands and sympathizes.  Looking after him and keeping him comfortable and happy is one of my favorite things in life.  (His first wife was a SAHM, and he didn't want another one.)

  11. No, but that's because I want to make sure it's the right person...I need to be 100% confident that this is the one...not just marry any guy that shows interest in me.

    I know guys who share my beliefs.

  12. "I am married already and there are plenty of real men out there for feminist to pick from its not difficult."

    I will not recognize any form of what a woman deems is a "real man." You do not live your life knowing the troubles men face. What we expect from ourselves and each other. You do not understand honour or expect yourself to be strong and brave.

    It is up to myself and brothers in society to decide what a real man. That is it.

  13. That man was probably just wants attention, even if it's negative.  I consider myself a feminist, not married (I'm only 20) but in a long term relationship with an awesome guy who is also my best friend.  I hope he and I get married some day when we are both out of college.

    However, even if we don't get married I have met plenty of men in my life who are completely comfortable with feminist views and who may or may not describe themselves as feminists.  I have many close male friends who fit into this category.  

    It's not like it takes a special man to be in a relationship with a feminist, he only needs to believe that there should be equality between the genders and acknowledge that in today's society, we have not achieved equality which is detrimental to both genders.  I really don't think that this is ll that radical or extreme.  I think most of the men I know would agree with it.  

    Not sure what the man who wrote that was talking about, I really don't think being a feminist or not affects whether or not you will fall in love and get married, although it may affect who you fall in love with.  Anyway, I personally think feminists do it better because we are strong and know our own self worth as human beings.  How could a man love a woman who doesn't love herself?

  14. I have been married before. I currently live with, and have a child with, a man. We consider ourselves married, though we don't have a license.

    Both my ex-husband and my current man are not threatened by feminism, being emotionally healthy, well balanced men who like women.

  15. I'm not married and I don't intend to be, but I am seeing someone. He doesn't have anything to say about politics at all, so I don't bother having conversations about it with him. If I wasn't seeing him, I wouldn't bother looking for anyone; dating is the least of my priorities.

  16. Yes, I am.

    Phil--It would appear that you are entirely incorrect, since most of the feminists appear to be happily married.

    Peanut Gallery, indeed.

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