
Feminist beliefs what are they ??/?

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Feminist beliefs what are they ??/?




  1. Woman are equal to men

  2. Clear your question.

  3. Equal opportunity.

  4. Equal pay, human rights, etc.

  5. Well it was that every person is equal but now it has been twisted, just look at the other answers and you'll see

  6. Women are equal to men.  Period  lol

  7. Men are evil and to be hated.  Use the word "equal" as much as possible but don't mean it.

  8. They feel that women should have more rights than men.

    And thank you for pointing that out, Eoghan.

    ""If men refuse to wear condoms, how can they complain about being asked for child support?  This is TAKING RESPONSIBILITY.  It's just silly to assume that the woman is on the contraceptive pill. We are all responsible for our own actions."""

    But the women choose to have s*x.  If women CHOOSE to have s*x, then they have no right to complaint when the men that they CHOOSE to have s*x with don't want to have anything to do with them afterward.  Women need to be more responsible as well,  by keeping their legs together. We are all responsible for our own actions...

    The point here is that, women can legally opt out of parenthood whereas men can't; that's wrong and that's unjust...

    It's her body her choice so it should be her responsibility as well..

    Get it now?

  9. Feminism has three golden rules and these are:-

    (1) Feminism uses "equality" as a catchword but its objectives are "supremacy" and "man-hate".

    (2) Men must "fear" women, like slaves and serfs used to have to defer to their betters. You must on no account dare to look a woman in the face. You must keep your head lowered and keep your eyes averted when approaching a woman. If you do not comply she will under proposed new legislation be legally entitled to shoot you dead.

    (3) Men must always "respect" women. According to the feminist rule book, "respect" is defined as treating women as though they were little princesses. However, women are perfectly entitled - even encouraged - to disrespect men.

    Feminism is part of the polcor hegemony which was spawned in the University of Madison Wisconsin - by the very same anti-social clique as invented that gift to terrorists everywhere, the car bomb.

  10. women are more valuable than men, bcuz men cums from woman

  11. Equal access to equal opportunities

  12. Feminism is not about superiority.  It's not about man-hating.

    Feminism is about OPTIONS and CHOICE.

    Want to be a stay-at-home mom?  Is that YOUR choice without pressure and guilt placed on you, or without being raised/trained to believe that is your only option?  Go for it.  

    Choose it and be happy.

    Want to pursue a career, and forgo children?  Is that YOUR choice without pressure and guilt placed on you, or without being raised/trained to believe that is your only option?  Go for it.

    Choose it and be happy.

    A woman firefighter?  A woman cop?  A woman construction worker?

    Do you think you are strong enough, big enough, and capable enough to do (traditionally) "man's work"?  Then do it.  No one should stop you if you are capable.... even if you are a woman.  Go for it.

    Feminism works the other way as well.

    Should a man be a nurse?  Should a man be a secretary?  A kindergarten teacher?  Sure. Why not?

    Of course they will most likely get paid more than their female counterparts... and is THAT fair?

    It is a shame Feminism has been reduced to out-of-context radical blurbs and bumper sticker quotes taken from very different times, when feminists HAD to be radical, and loud, and borderline outrageous to get the attention that the issues needed!

    It's a shame feminism is hated so.  But that is to be expected...

    the unenlightened very often "hate" what they can't or don't want to understand.

    LOL!!   Here come the Thumbs Down freaks!  Look at them all!  Everyone that had anything even slightly positive to say about feminism, got 'em.

    Someone takes the time to express their OPINION, their perception of something, and it gets numerous thumbs down!   *sigh*


  13. Since heartfelt opinions supporting the idea of feminism seems to bring out the worst in the knuckle-draggers and mouth-breathers, let's just go with the strictly non-biased dictionary definition:

    Feminism;  NOUN:

    1.  Belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.

    2.  The movement organized around this belief.

    I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would be against that ideal.   Oh wait, unless of course they just don't like women for any number of reasons -- and believe in oppression and bias and the god-given superiority of men.

    Now I get it!

  14. Feminist??

    That's a big word for a pretty lady.

    Feminists believe in equal rights for women. Sounds fair to me.

  15. 1. gender is a manufactured construct

    2. equal opportunity is not enough - there should be equal outcome

    3. males are conspiring against women (strangely most men appear to know nothing about this)

    4. women were oppressed in history by being forced to look after children, do housework and being denied access to various careers

    strangely men were NOT oppressed when they were forced to go to war & work down mines and denied access to various careers

    5. her body her choice (but only when it suits her). a feminist wants a woman to have the right to murder a man's unborn baby without his consent, but to have him support it even if he doesn't want to

    To sum up, they have failed in life so they blame it on men.

  16. The naieve belief that if enough political indoctrination is performed it will produce a convincing alternative to reality.  

  17. Very simple; Men and Women are equal.  People get confused because it has 'Fem' in the name it must be just for women, but true feminism just means gender equality.

  18. Basically, that Men and Women are entirely equal.

    (although a lot of feminists seem to have double standards and/or hate men. Not all of them though.)

  19. be angry and pretend your having a period 24/7/365

  20. Here's a selection of quotes from a variety of famous feminists and I'll let you decide:

    1. "I feel that 'man-hating' is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them." -- Robin Morgan, MS. Magazine Editor

    2. "Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometime gain from the experience," said Catherine Comins, Vassar College Assistant Dean of Student Life in Time.

    3. "A good part-and definitely the most fun part-of being a feminist is about frightening men." --Julie Burchill (b. 1960), British journalist, author. Time Out (London, 16 Nov. 1989).

    4. "I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig." -- Andrea Dworkin

    5. "All s*x, even consensual s*x between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman." -- Catherine MacKinnon

    6. "The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race." -- Sally Miller Gearhart, in The Future - If There Is One - Is Female.

    7. "And if the professional rapist is to be separated from the average dominant heterosexual (male), it may be mainly a quantitative difference." -- Susan Griffin, Rape: The All-American Crime.

    8. "All men are rapists and that's all they are" -- Marilyn French, Authoress; (later, advisoress to Al Gore's Presidential Campaign.)

    9. "Probably the only place where a man can feel really secure is in a maximum security prison, except for the imminent threat of release." -- Germaine Greer.

    10. "Men are animals. Don't you think so?" -- Ireen von Wachenfeldt, feminist leader in Sweden

    11. "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." -- Gloria Steinem

    3 weeks ago

  21. They want you to believe that they fight for equal rights and such, in fact they want to be more than equal.

    There's a difference between being for equality and being a feminist.

    Feminists are deprived of all reason and enjoy hating men for the sake of it.

  22. "The belief in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes'

    Eoghan - I thought you didn't want any more public quarrels? Yet here you are taking my words out of context. I was the one seeking to find equal solutions. Yet some anti-feminists are not interested in equal solutions, only those solutions that allow men to escape all responsibility. I was demonstrating that if anti-feminists can't be bothered to find equal solutions, why should feminists? Shame on you. I shan't bother trying to build any more bridges.

    It's a h**l of a lot more than most people do on here. And I wonder how you think that my remark is any worse than Guns'? Perhaps because mine was about men keeping their pants on, not women? Because mine was questioning men's responsibility, not women's?


    Lol! THIS is what happened. I asked a question asking anti-feminists how they thought reproductive rights might be more equal, considering how much they complain about them. I said:

    ""Although this is often men's fault - refusing to wear condoms, for example""" >>>

    If men refuse to wear condoms, how can they complain about being asked for child support? This is TAKING RESPONSIBILITY. It's just silly to assume that the woman is on the contraceptive pill. We are all responsible for our own actions.

    ""and Guns turned your comment around

    ""Women should learn how to keep their legs together than.."""

    Why should WOMEN keep their legs together to PREVENT MEN PAYING CHILD SUPPORT???? This is a classic case of men wanting women to take responsibility for MEN's lack of responsibility!

    Duh! I can't reason with you people, you're beyond hope.

  23. They should be equality and fair treatment for all.  

  24. The classic original feminism lead by Nellie McClung and her league was all about standing up for women who are being deprived of their rights.

  25. They all believe that if men and women are socially, economically and politically equal then and only then will women ever view themselves as more than second class citizens; in other words they will become full fledged human-beings/persons if you will.  Such a foolish way to think.   How we feel about ourselves individually comes from what we think of ourselves; what we think of ourselves is how we view the world thinks of us. Some way some how what we think of ourselves shows in our actions and our words.  So, naturally if I think I'm a pile of bat dung, of course, I'm going act, speak, were a pile of bat dung given speech, like a pile of bat dung and view the world like a pile of bat dung.  They want this utopia where everything is going to be the same; when every thing is the same all crime is going to stop; especially rape; they will no longer feel the way they do.  I say they, because I'm an anti-feminist female.

  26. As long as we're happy f**k everyone else

    "Guns, you're missing the point. women aren't the ones complaining about this, so why should we abstain? :-) men should keep their d**ks in their own knickers if they don't want to pay child support"                                                     some feminist today

    equality is a one way street to many of these people. they want special laws and incentives that take the hardships out of life and reduce their responsibilities as adults.

    Sam, don't be dishonest, with that question you were sneering to begin with and condescending at the end. You even applauded Lythanya's bigotry. That's your idea of building bridges is it?

    Sam, this is what happened. A feminist makes this typical comment.

    ""Although this is often men's fault - refusing to wear condoms, for example"""

    and Guns turned your comment around

    ""Women should learn how to keep their legs together than..""

    at this point you became critical and condescending towards Guns, so it seems that this attitude is OK for feminists but not OK for men, right?

    This is what people are trying to get across to you guys, equality is a two way street. Wake up.

    No Sam, the point is that a woman has options when unprotected s*x goes wrong and a man has none, even though both are responsible, the child can be aborted against his wishes and the child can be born against his wishes and he is given no option but to pay for 18 years, thats inequality you have just brought the arguement round in a complete circle and are being condecending again, well done.

    PIXIE# if the quotes below me are being taken out of context, please explain their true context.

  27. **Mainstream feminist beliefs are to promote equal rights and opportunities.**

    Many of the answers here have defined misandry, not feminism.

    Be aware that we have a group of overzealous men in this forum who spend all their time attacking and criticizing feminism.  They cherry-pick and take quotes out of context, they attack users rather than issues and they use every opportunity to regurgitate their rhetoric that "modern feminism is a hateful ideology."

    In short, they are obnoxious whiny children with an inability to take any real action to advance their cause, so they monopolize this forum with their incessant attempts to brainwash anyone vulnerable and ignorant enough to believe what they say.

    **Mainstream feminist beliefs are to promote equal rights and opportunities.**

    @Master - I'm just raising awareness...

  28. Feminist beliefs, I have no clue what they are. I am 53 years old and still have not figured out women let alone feminists. But it seems to me that they are women espousing a doctrine of equality of the sexes but have shown that they believe that women are in fact superior to men. Some claim that all s*x including s*x in marriage is rape. I would like to know what they think about a recent study stating that 30 to 40 percent of lesbians have been sexually assaulted by another woman. Thus proving that men are not the only rapists out there. Maybe all this would be irrelevant if the "main stream media" had not anointed certain feminists as representing all women despite the fact they only represent only a small minority of women. To use an old expression "They want their cake and eat it too." Have a nice day.

  29. That women should be paid equally as men for the same work, that crimes against women including rape and domestic violence should stop, that we should raise our sons to respect women. That there should be more women CEOs and political leaders. That women are not second-class citizens, here to do the cleaning.

  30. Hatred and harm to men & boys being rational, hatred of unborn children, those who disagree, natural order, "equal" pay for working less hours and being less qualified, etc.

    (We call this "promoting equality").

  31. "economic equality" thats a euphemism for communism.

    They should get equal opportunities and nothing more yet many want equal outcome too so they manipulate the opportunity by trying to deny it to men which is totally unfair though it is trying to make things "equal" for the sake of being equal by definition.

    The reason I can't stand equality, its just a gauge.

    We should have the same start line but the finish line shouldn't be brought to them like they expect.

    Doggie made a good point, they talk about equal pay because yes it is by definition equal but it is only FAIR if there is equal work that goes with it. If not like i say it sounds suspiciously like communism

    edit: clearly anne is in favour of the finish being brought to them "That there should be more women CEOs and political leaders"

    Why? They're given the opporunity, if they don't seize it that's tough. That is how meritocracy works, you get there because you deserve to be there

    @ elf.. yea cause you just proved you "stick to the issue" right there =D

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