
Feminist paedophiles?

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Alot of men are angry about the Feminist movement, so I can understand why negative things would be said about it. But how exactly is the whole Feminist movement one of paedophilia?

Is there proof out there that I am missing somehow? Does anyone have any explanation?




  1. It is funny isn't it? They spread this c**p but then put women down who have been raped like it was their fault, or throw the men get raped too bit in. Yeah well - NO ONE should be raped!

    Go to ANY website that shows registered s*x offenders and guess which gender you will see the most. And then get back to me about how many "feminist" pedophiles there are.

    Geez - I swear. It's like a bunch of 5 year olds stomping their feet cause they aren't getting their way.

  2. I guess it's a new suspicion about lesbianism and 'feminist' recruitment. I am certain it came out of the 'ball pit'. It takes courageous women in mass to create a viable movement but one foul mouthed vulgar L*****n to taint it all.

  3. I've no idea. He's been asked what he means but he just refuses to explain. Someone thought it might be something to do with the v****a Monologues but he didn't confirm this so it probably isn't. I think he's genuinely off his trolley, the way he keeps posting the question / referring to it in every answer indicates a bit of an obsessive disorder. And of course he's blocked all feminists here so I've no idea if he's managed to come up with any evidence yet.

  4. No no no. I think this is about women who are "cougars." Older women who date younger men, using them as trophies and s*x objects. These are not minors, just younger than the woman.

    To me, this isn't really feminism, it's a woman who thinks she can prove something by having s*x with some guy.

    Who cares?

    Young dudes are notoriously easy to lay. What's the challenge?

  5. ive asked cassius to answer this very question, but he couldn't and reported my question. they are full of shite. there is no proof, no basis for it. it's like saying all anti-fems are child molesters: it's not true. obviously.

    you have a lot of crazy, emotional people on here who only want to ruffle feathers.

  6. Here's your explanation: The baby in the ball pit came up with it, so it must be fake.

    EDIT: Mike T is so busy with "sarcasim" that he completely missed the point of this question.

  7. I reported the rant.  

    One woman who used to be a prominent feminist seems to be suffering from early Alzheimer's.  That has nothing to do with the feminists movement of today.  However, almost every female model starts when they are underage and they are promoted as s*x objects, to males of all ages.  I do not see the difference.  Looking is not being a pedophile.  If it were you would have to arrest 99% of all males - maybe everyone.

  8. No, there's no proof. There are a few adult women who are arrested for having s*x with underage boys, such as the disturbed Mary Kay Le Toruneau and the pathetic Debra Le Favre (sp?), and obviously there are some women who harm children sexually, although statistically these make up LESS THAN 10 per cent of all cases of paedophiles, and are very often in a subordinate role, helping or assisting males, rather than active participants themselves.

    This is according to police and other law enforcement agencies and high level government investigations, it's not a made up thing by me.

    And there is absolutely no evidence of any kind that ANY of the women involved in these bizarre and horrible behaviours are feminists.

    In fact, it's very unlikely that they are, just as most male paedophiles are NOT child protection workers.

    The sad thing is, these name callers ~ by creating a smoke screen about who paedophiles are and are not, for whatever sick and twisted reasons they may personally have, are actually helping paedophiles cover up their crimes.

    For many years 'stranger danger' fears helped hide the fact that most children ~ girls AND boys are harmed or molested by someone known to, or part of, their OWN family.

    By creating a false profile of a child abuser in the public mind, these disgusting perverts are helping REAL paedophiles remain anonymous and continue to harm kids.

    One wonders what the motivation for their behaviour could be ~ especially as they often present as 'harmless' avatar images, perhaps even children and babies themselves.

    Is this part of a secret signal to paedophile cohorts? We hear in the news that when police arrest these disgusting gangs, they often find secret codes used to attract others and alert them ... I wonder if this is what is happening, with an innocent pastime such as this being used by some filthy creeps for their own, disgraceful purposes.

    It makes me sick to think of it :-(

    Best wishes in uncovering the truth.

  9. It's that "mommy" issues business and a secret Oedipal sexual hope that maybe some older more empowered females (feminists) will "vamp" them in their pubescent rosy virginal bloom.  lol.  And, that type in mental hospitals are ALWAYS into baby powder.  I was a nurse.  I know about the little pervs.  They reveal their sexual fantasy - of - the - day through their "accusations" just like this one with pedophilia and feminists.  That's actually VERY common for young ego-fragile males with mommy issues.  They even make these kind of sexual-based accusations to their own mothers in a disgusting kind of humping behavior, over and over making sexual-based accusations that are really thinly disguised dares and propositions.

  10. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I would say that discrimination of any kind is irrational and delusional. People proclaiming ideas of that kind are not interested in truth of the matter, their own illusions are quite enough proof for them. And therefore, they should be ignored and reported, because their goal is not to get informative answers but to insult the rest of us.

  11. Are you talking about cassius question?    He was just joking around.  Stop taking it so seriously.

  12. I'm not sure about the feminist movement as a whole, but Germaine Greer(feminist) put out a book called "The Beautiful Boy"...

    "Greer described the book as an attempt to address women's apparent indifference to the teenage boy as a sexual object and to advance women's reclamation of their capacity for, and right to, visual pleasure"(Wikipedia: )

    Basically, it's just a book with a bunch of pictures of underaged boys.

    Here is a pic of the cover (15-yr old):

  13. I know many angry men, but I've never heard the term "feminist paedophiles."  What I can say is that FEMALE pedophiles do not receive harsh sentences for the perpetration of s*x crimes as do male pedophiles.  

    Today, I read a story on FOX News dot com in which a man was found guilty of a s*x crime that involved watching three teenage girls perform sexual acts with each other and then engaging in sexual intercourse with them.  He was sentenced to 4,060 years in prison.  Yet, a woman who recently had s*x with five teenage boys was only sentenced to six years in prison.  This is utterly and detestably unjust, and men have very good reason to be outraged.  They should be marching, rioting, storming courthouses, and wrecking havoc in society over these disgusting injustices.  

    Still, though, if there are men saying the feminist movement is "one of paedophilia," I, myself, would sure like an explanation.  I'm all about men's issues, but that sounds outrageous even to me.


    Star Spangled Sydney,

    While studies do show that males perpetrate s*x crimes at higher rates than females, these studies have come under scrutiny recently.  Many social scientists believe that there are many more female s*x offenders than what is represented in many studies because female s*x offenders are less likely to be reported by their victims (the majority of whom are male) for their s*x crimes.  They believe that this underreporting of female s*x offenders may be a consequence of boys thinking that its okay for an adult female to have s*x with a male child, but never okay for an adult male to have s*x with any child.

    Mark me off if you wish, but the truth is the truth.

  14. There are sick women, just as there are sick men, who molest children but it is most certainly NOT a part of the feminist movement. I don't know how that connection could be made. In recent years, many peadolphelia websites have been shut down including a very disturbing one called "Butterfly Kisses". Maybe it's not entirely shut down and is just being hosted elsewhere. I was very disturbed when someone showed it to me a few years ago.

    Here is an article about it:


    "Celebrating erotic relationships between women and young girls is the theme of a website called "Butterfly Kisses," which indicates the relatively unknown fact that pedophilia exists in significant numbers among females.

    While the site's creators do not identify themselves, posted articles show how some advocates are attempting to create an academic rationale for what is commonly and legally regarded as abuse and molestation....

    While the site's opening page features an apparently wholesome photograph of a mother appreciating her child, "the primary goal" of presenting the subsequent material is clearly stated in the introduction as giving "women and girls a tool for expressing their feelings and their love about this controversial topic, and to get people to open their minds to ideas about romantic and erotic attraction between women and girls that our society in the past has not been able to discuss openly and rationally."

    YUK!!!!! How twisted is that?!?!

    There is no proof that this kind of thing is, or ever has been, linked to the feminist movement, however. A paedolphile is just a paedophile, whether it's a man or a woman.

  15. Yeah, it's Cassius's idea. He'll never explain what he means by it, though, so I don't take him seriously.
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