
Feminists, Americans went to the moon and you were not invited. How do you feel about it?

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Feminists, Americans went to the moon and you were not invited. How do you feel about it?




  1. When they were first planning to send people into space, they selected about 100 men (and, inofficially, 25 women), all pilots or soldiers, who then had to undergo a lot of different physical and psychological tests. (Scientists weren't 100% sure what space was like yet, so they had to prepare for every possibility.)

    Seven men and 13 women passed the tests (the women often performed better). Then the men were sent into space, became heroes and ended up in history books, and the women had to stay here because they were women and this was all too dangerous for them.

    How do I feel about it? Well, it's unfair.

  2. ummm feminist are not a separate nation.

  3. That's why they are feminists or radical feminists. Nothing to be surprised. As long as they are not harming you.

  4. Well, noone would have been able to see it if it weren't for us (The Aussies)  And besides which- my mother was only a baby when apollo eleven landed on the moon!

  5. The system of education at the time of the first lunar expedition did not include women as women were just beginning to make their entrances into the scientific world.  Today, there are a large number of women working at NASA.  So the question is not one of "invitation" but one of availability.

  6. hahahah, a good question.

    Feminists have never raised this point as an example of male sexism. Why? The answer is simple: Feminists have not raised this point, nor raised related examples about why women were not permitted on the Columbus sailing to America, because women simply refuse to be on the cutting edge of exploration.

    It is far easier for women to let me do the difficult work, then use their sexuality to marry men, and obtain the benefits of male labor.

    Feminists refuse to acknowledge this, but they cannot as this

    diminishes their argument that women are equal.

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