
Feminists, How did society come up with the dreaded male and female stereotypes?

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If there's nothing innate in gender stereotypes how were they formed to begin with and why do they persist even through all the attempts to change them?




  1. All stereotypes are learned from many sources including family, friends, and especially the media. Although it isn't always taught intentionally, it is very easily learned and is passed on from generation to generation. It is commonly said that men are stronger and better than women. And i guess it is said so frequently that it is believed to be true. And although this isn't true, no matter what is said and done, it would be very hard to change this thought and belief which is instilled in many peolpe. The best way to try to solve this delimma is to talk to our future generations and explain to them the reality these stereotypes.

  2. Stereotypes form for the most part because there is enough members of the stereotyped gender who fulfill the stereotype to make it a common enough experience in people to make the stereotype seem accurate or existant

    Some things like "women want to get pregnant" is hardly a stereotype as much as biology and gender specific. It is true that some women don't want to have children or get pregnant, but why define the rule based on the minority/acceptions to the rule?

  3. They were there since ancient history, because that was when they were actually true, sadly enough. People's roles changed as the world developed and woman got to do more things, then the thing came out 'stereotype' and people just went along with what the stereotypes said, regardless of what people actually did......

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