
Feminists, are you outraged when you go to a restaurant and see a menu?

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Do you ever wish it was a "womanu"?




  1. It would have been better if you had said "womenu", but you're not very funny are you?

  2. i hope you are kidding

  3. It's called that because it's the men who do the ordering for both of them.

  4. Why don't we just rename the menu to "U" so that it can be neutral.

  5. I don't mind calling it a menu as long as it has fried panda on it. Mmmmmm....

  6. Hmm haven't noticed any outraged feminists - who cares about what menus are called when you're hungry? Try harder-questions like this are asked every day-you're not even getting concern, let alone outrage, from feminists. But you are getting lots of agreement from anti-feminists who believe stereotypes about feminists.

  7. That's hilarious.

    And sadly, will probably outrage a few of the feminist on this board now that you've brought it up.

  8. lol, that's funny.  Well, if it was called a womenu, do we get to order men to specification?  Perhaps something a little lean with not too much fat or muscles?  Have a terrific Thursday!  =P

  9. I wish it was a womynu, dammit.

  10. You get a star.  

    That was kinda funny.

  11. That's excellent.

    What I want to know is why they haven't introduced the word "womynstruate" for their periods.

  12. I wouldn't be mad it I could actually order men off the menu. It is very misleading.  

  13. No... I also don't care about words like man-hole, menopause, menstruation, men in trees, men working, manchester, menace, menage, mendip, ext... After all it is just a word...

  14. Lol, that's a good one.  I suppose some feminists will object

    to the word menu.  And then we might see "food items" or some other phrase instead of menu.  

  15. Why are they mentors and not womentors.

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