
Feminists, do Betty Crocker products promote a negative stereotype?

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That Betty Crocker stays in the kitchen and cooks. Shouldn't she be out looking for a high-powered career as an executive?




  1. maybe that's not the only thing she does. who knows?

  2. Feminist believe women should have choice in what they do and be paid equally to men when they go out to work. They also believe that men should take their turn in the kitchen if necessary. It may be more appropriate to see more men doing their bit  in the kitchen in adds because after all women are doing a full time job caring for kids.

  3. d**n, how many silly as$ hats are you dudes gonna wear today. Just keep it fresh-  

    <<<< see

  4. Hilarious question ! Star for you !! LOL ! I love the Betty Crocker products ! I do not believe or think, they reflect somehow that a "woman should stay in the kitchen and bake muffins" however, since I'm  a mom, I like to "bake for the kids" and myself. I don't feel "less of a woman" because of it.

  5. Ha ha ha...this is funny. I cook so what this makes me a stereotype? I am called Betty home maker because all I do for my family...cook clean work. Yea I WORK!! There is no stereotype in cooking. The stereotype now is that no one really cooks anymore especially my age group and younger because we are so consumed with the fast food corps. UGH!

  6. Man, if your question convinces them to protest Betty Crocker and I lose out on my muffins; you and I are going to have a problem, you know what I mean?

  7. I think that women are born to be in the kitchen cooking to me. Maybe I am too men-minded you can say.

  8. No, the whole point of liberation is that women can choose. So women want to choose to cook they can. Why waste your life in the rat race?

    EDIT: It's NOT feminist thinking. It's anti feminists who ASSUME it's feminist thinking.

  9. Wait, so women shouldn't be allowed to stay in the kitchen and cook if they want? They should be forced to go out looking for a job they don't want? That sounds sexist to me.

  10. Why would you assume she ONLY stays in the kitchen and cooks? Maybe she DOES have a high powered career as an executive, and she ALSO enjoys cooking? In fact, that describes ME. I'm also a feminist. I love to cook. In fact, when I first started out at university, I was a foods & nutrition major. I switched to psychology. This question you've asked doesn't say much about Betty, or feminists, or stereotypes, but it says a lot about your narrow thinking. Hope I've helped open your mind a bit. ** peace **

  11. Betty Crocker did not have to go out there. She promoted her appliances right from home, and got rich doing it too!

  12. Betty became Martha and got rich.  Aunt Jememima came up with a hearty breakfast and profited.  Uncle Ben came out with great side dishes.  The Quaker Oats guy came out with wholesome oats and represents clean simple living.  I am a woman of 44 and love both my job and kitchen.  OKAY!! some times I may not like them once in a while, but I am confortable with both.  I like my garage sometimes too.

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