
Feminists, had you realised that the very ideology you espouse so fervently feeds misogyny?

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(With apologies to Polar Bears)

Do you realise your efforts to advance your agenda only lead to ever greater division between men and women? That misogyny and misandry are inevitable corollaries to feminism?

How easily you seem to confuse feminism with women's rights and women's equality. All your lives you've been told that feminism represents freedom for women so by now you even believe the lie.

Can't you see that feminism (unlike equalism) is s*x-based and s*x-biased and therefore socially divisive and illegitimate?

Don't you know that you are your own worst enemies?




  1. I somewhat agree...

    Feminism, if there WAS to be a 3rd wave with a popular cause, would need to rebrand itself from the image it has now of being CONTRARY.

    In other words, I feel,   feminism in its 1st and 2nd waves got women to where you've won the right to have anything you want by simply taking it ---so its no longer time to be "against"  "what's stopping(or wronging in ANY way)" you.

    What an AWFUL  image that produces.

    And SO easily used against you!

    But on the other hand if you were to have a convention and ask simply


    "IT" being the ability, the need, the responsibility

    to take half the seats in Washington

    (you could do it in 2 election cycles. You COULD have had a woman president (who CARES if she isnt the perfect candidate, she was a she!!!  it was HANDED to you(I cant belEIVE you let THAT one go...

    but I digress  (but WTF!!!!)


    1)take half the seats, and so half the say

    2)use it to make what changes?

        (and DONT make them divisive, anti-men, OR PERCEIVED AS SUCH)

    STOP opposing.

    stop walking into being PERCEIVED AS opposing.

    Dont tell me I make hard stuff sound easy. If you can't do this simple bit of democracy, now, after 2 waves before you set it all up for you like dominores you simoply need to push over, then give up, the Republicans won.

  2. Perhaps, but also MRA's need to realise that skewing stats and having a false interpretation of them to justify their beliefs that women are evil aren't exactly endearing them to anyone else either.

  3. Yes, feminism is inevitably s*x-based and s*x-biased. That's why I prefer to see myself as an equalist.

  4. You say tomayto, I say tomahto.

    What I believe in is genuine equality. I call myself a feminist because that is what I was taught feminism was by my college professors. But my beliefs and actions are what's important, not the label either of us chooses to give them. And my beliefs and actions are neither s*x-based nor s*x-biased. I consider myself a feminist, but I consider myself an activist for men's rights as well. Or maybe you'd like to call me an equalist. I really don't care.

  5. The presence of reactionaries should not prevent people working towards equal rights and treatment. And Misogyny (and misandry) existed long before feminism. Feminism has improved women's lives.

    Feminism is about equil rights and treatment and freedom. It is not a lie, although your arguement was so persuasive... wait, no, you just stated an opinion. Have you actually read the ERA or the CEA? or the FMF mission statement? Where they state no discrimination based on gender?

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