
Feminists, how far are you willing to go for Feminism?

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If you had to, would you take up arms to defend your way of life? Are you willing to die for Feminism? Would you kill for it?




  1. define feminism..

    i would take up arms to defend my human rights, and the rights of others if they were challenged in a drastic manner. killing/injuring should always be the last resort of the last resorts.. if u get my point

  2. I would certainly take up arms to defend equality worldwide.

    Untamed Rose- I (heart) you. : )

    I (irregular polyhderon) the Army. Getting Article 15 in the a.m. Unpleased.  

  3. If someone tried to take away my rights to work, to have an education, not to have children, and to speak in public, you're d**n right I'd fight for them.

  4. I'd take up arms to defend my way of life (if it were threatened beyond a certain point), but it would be more for liberty in general, than for "feminism" as such. If men suddenly all became chauvinistic pigs, I would simply stay single, or only date other women. As for issues such as equal pay, I would certainly fight for it, but I don't see how taking up arms would be an effective way to do so. And I wouldn't die for it.

  5. I am anti-violence.  sorry. would not kill for any reason except to save myself or a loved one from real life-threatening danger or attack.

    to  WHO?

    Say goodbye to your account.... again.  You sick loser.

  6. Womens Right to Fight....trying to get US military womens right to work in combat positions, and elite services.

    So not just in words, in actions, funding, and way to many meeting. Yes.

    However, one of the things I am happy to say.  Is that feminism is the only social movement(in the US) that didnt turn violent.  Think we are stronger for that.

    Islamic feminist groups arnt having the same luck, they are literally fighting and dying for this.

    La Rose: There are plenty of men who arnt strong enough to service in the military either.  There have been women who have completed the training for the SEALS!!! program...yet are still not allowed to serve as a Seal.  They have women fighting in combat illegally right this second.  Yet over half of military Rating/jobs arnt open to women.  

    Just b/c you are too weak in honor and body to do such, do not assume that ALL women are.  MM2

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