
Feminists, what are you specifically aiming to achieve?

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What action are you taking and why? For example, are you campaigning for any particular rights? Protesting? Lobbying? Et cetera.




  1. I think feminism in general wants to achieve an eradication of sexual oppression. This is hard to do, though, because oppressions are interlocking - one can be oppressed through gender as well as race or sexuality, so feminism must also address other areas of oppression.

    Right now I'm preparing to enter into an internship which fights for women's reproductive rights.

  2. there trying to get toughness

  3. Currently, I am trying to make through another monotonous day of work while killing time and creating a new account.

  4. Equal rights for women

  5. To ensure equality for women in opportunity, in wages, in education, etc. That's the aim of mainstream feminism. I'd assume it's also something that is generally supported by any intelligent person.

    To the first answerer - why would we want balls? Wrinkly, hairy, easily injured.... They don't sound so enviable to me....

  6. I would like to see more women in Parliament and representative positions. I have been actively involved in campaigning for this.

    I would like to think that if I had a son or a daughter both would have equal opportunities to be the person they wanted to be. I don't think we need to change the world over night, and I don't think all women are the same. I just think it's important we have equal representation to reflect the plurality of women's interests in the same way the plurality of men's is reflected.

  7. Keeping the rights women have gained.

    Equal rights for women in military

    Women's rights around the world especially in countries like Saudi Arabia

  8. Equality where they want it, and favoritism where they want it.

    They want the same pay in the Military but Heaven forbid one be drafted, handed an assault riffle and put on the front lines.

    They want woman's right of individuality, but in the divorce, they want the car, kids, house, half the money and as much alimony as they can get.

    One flips out and cuts her kids arms off while she drowns them, o no, no chair for her. Give her some comfy shoes and put her in an asylum so she can watch Oprah all day cause she must be crazy.

    They want the right to choose, but does the man have a right not to pay child support for the next 18 years. I don't agree with this personally, but if they have the right to choose to deal with the burden of a child shouldn't the man as well?

  9. Equal rights for women across the world.  I do what I can in the way of charity and contributing to the discussion :-)

  10. Bah, I don't care for feminism. Actually, I know a woman who IS a feminist, and even she claims that society has gone further and further downhill as women leave their homes and try to be "like men."

    I think we are created differently, and for different purposes. I think it's great to have careers and move up in the world like men, but only after your kids are out of the house.

    The children of this country really needs their moms at home, instilling values in them, not tossing them in daycare or at grandparents.... because Lord knows, grandparents don't know jack. ("Here, have a candy. And be good!")

    I understand that a lot of women don't have a choice, and I think that it's our duty as a society to fix those problems that create bad childhoods-- poverty, etc.

    I'm all for equal rights, but some of those chicks just go overboard, and it's s******g up our kids.

    Sigh, but that's just my take on it.

  11. I think the women’s movement has come such a long way and women have profited from this, such as equal opportunities, better pay and conditions and have a greater say in sociality. As a qualified Chartered Engineer working in a male environment I have never had a problem working along side a man and I've certainly never given them cause to have a problem with me.

    I can not see in the UK what else the feminist movement wants to achieve. I also believe some women take the feminist card too far, yes by all means have children but if you go back to work make sure you do a decent job and do not pull the mother/child card.  (little jack is sick I have to stay home, if that’s the case don’t work!). All I wanted to achieve was respect for my fellow workers and people in my life which I believe I have done, and that’s not about being a feminist but being level headed and respecting others.

  12. the elimination of cheuvenism

  13. They claim to want equal opportunity (which women already have) but what they really want is equal outcomes. Their goal also includes trying to reform male biology (good luck with that one). Feminist are creating a bunch or emasculated Men which they will eventually grow tired of.

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