
Feminists: Are you against positive discrimination?

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If you are for it give instances where and why.

Likewise if you are against it please give reasons why




  1. I agree with Rio Madeira. Mass discrimination (positive or negative) is pure evil.

  2. I think when you say positive discrimination, you mean "Discretion.   But I don't label myself as a feminist so I shouldn't be answering..

    But, we need discretion.  Like if a cop stops you for speeding...That ticket depends on what you tell the police officer because he would be using his discretion.

  3. Come on, in theory everyone is against discrimination (everyone moral) but then again everyone is going to play on every advantage they can, be it being female, attractive, g*y, whatever.

  4. There's nothing positive about discrimination. Nobody really wins that game.

  5. I agree with Mystery Meat. All other qualifications being equal, Affirmative Action is acceptable.

    However, I'm certainly not in favor of hiring a poorly qualified individual for affirmative action purposes.

  6. affirmative action is based on collectivism and thus a equal from of discrimination. is it wrong or right? well seems with out it a lot of the minorities would not have had a chance in h**l for good jobs so in that it must be right then. however, it does have its drawbacks thus the discrimination part of it to have to hire the minority because they are a minority and thus all the rest are wasting there time even applying.

  7. The premise behind affirmative action is giving a discriminated group a "helping hand" in getting jobs and other things.

    The problem is that women have as much oppurtunity to get a job as a man does, its not like the average employer looks at a lineup of 1 man and 9 women and automatically chooses the man, thats not good for business.

  8. Actively favouring one category of people over others because they are considered to be disadvantaged. ...

    that is the definition of positive  discrimination.  and i think when hiring personnel for example, if all other things are equal (skill, experience, perceived dedication) it is reasonable to practice positive discrimination.

  9. Discrimination is NEVER positive. Yet, most women are hypocrites who gladly accept discrimination when is good for them.Example: I have never seen a woman complaining about the fact that women get retired earlier than men.

  10. There is no such thing, its like asking which gun do you want to be shot with.

  11. favoring a women for a job= positive discrimination

    favoruing a man for a job=discrimination

    its  a double standard for one, but more importantly it actually switches the discrimination because its favouring one group over another, so in effect its the same thing as has been done for years only this time its for the people who used to be discriminated against, and its now politically accecptable.

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