
Feminists: Do you know of the birth rate disparity's between your current population?

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And the birth rate of the muslim world to which you say women need saving.

Do you realise that by your distruction of the family in the western world, means a distruction of your future offspring.

Is that a selfish, stupid, innocent stupidity or a purposely done move.




  1. Wait a second.  Are you even for a moment suggesting that the human population is in any way, shape, or form endangered?

  2. Woah - someone can't get a date!

  3. 1. Racist.

    2. Sexist.

  4. I'm not having any offspring, so I'm free. And either way, the family isn't being destroyed, just edited.

  5. I plan on adopting children from third world countries. It makes no difference to me whether my children are mine biologically or whether I am simply the woman who raises them to be decent, contributing members of society.

    Muslim women are being forced to breed, like domesticated animals, for the good of totalitarian states. Your argument suggests you like this idea, that women's bodies be used to create more people to send to war. Sorry, but human beings are not a means to an end. The world is overpopulated. Your question is racist, as are the answers by other eugenics proponents who fear that those evil darkies are going to overrun us because they more effectively terrorize their women into being good breeding stock.

    This is what you're suggesting, right? You're suggesting that Afghanistan and Iran have it right where feminists have it wrong. You're suggesting Hitler style eugenics programs where "good" Western women are maby making machines for the war against the "evil" other.

    I see you.

    Edit: Did I scare you? Is that a threat? Like I said, I see you. I see what kind of person you are and the more you say the more clearly you define yourself as a fearful, racist, sexist, selfish, little animal. Send me your address and I'll send you a one way ticket to Iran. It'll be great! You can have your own s*x slaves and feel really important. It would take something like that huh, slaves, to make you feel ok. Maybe you could even cut some 9 year old girl's head off. Wouldn't that be nice? I pity you.

    I see through you.

  6. Paranoid much?

    The planet's resources CANNOT COPE with the high level of demand via population growth. And you want to add to the population because of a disparity in birth rates between Muslims and non-Muslims?

    Is that stupid, innocently stupid or purposely stupid?

    Edit: * Applauds Deva

  7. The inability to get laid comes out in the most bizarre way with some GWS posters.

  8. I think having children as a part of a misguided notion of repopulating a supposedly depleted area is a terrible reason to have them. You should only have children if you truly want them and you should not have more than you feel you can possibly afford. Many of those women in Muslim countries would like to have fewer children if they could but societal attitudes, lack of access to contraception, and high infant mortality rates prevent all those things from happening.

  9. I think maybe that's why Cheney and Bush have been dropping literally hundreds of thousands of tons of radiated metal fragments all over several Muslim nations.  Call it the Republican / Conservative /  "Family Values" Party /  Evangelical Christian / Halliburton / Standard Oil / No-Bid Contractor Piggy-Fest Sterilization Program.    lol.  OUR pigs are fatter and meaner than YOUR pigs, so THERE.

  10. Sound like a plan.  There are too many damned people on the earth as it is.


  11. This is one of the best questions I have seen on here for a long time. Thank you for asking this, I do not think that many feminist realize the damage they are doing to their race.

    I just have to say that anyone who would adopt these turds from a third world country should just leave this country. We have a mounting problem in the U.S. and bringing more foreigners in will not help. White women need to start having families again before we are completely wiped out. Here is a statistic that I am sure all you man-hating feminist haven't read, in a recent study by the Census Bureau the White race(the people that built this country) will drop a dramatic 19.3% in just 50 years. That is compared to the unremarkable growth of the Hispanic, Black, and Asian Races, which will grow 188%, 213%, and 17%, respectively. If anyone can give me a good reason that White Women should not be staying home and having kids with White men I would like to hear it because the numbers are showing that withing 5 generations there will be no more White Race. This would seem to be a problem considering that other than the Japanese the White race is the only race that has ever done anything positive for this world.

  12. In most third world countries, the birth rate is higher than in industrialized nations.  The reasons are multi-fold. In third world countries infant mortality is greater.  In industrial nations, it's untypical for a child not to survive childhood. Additionally in third world countries, a couple will typically have multiple children in order to guarantee a son.  In industrialized countries there is no need for progeny as a means of security in old age.

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