Question: we really need women?

by  |  earlier

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the egg is un necessary as proven by cloning.




  1. Well, gee....when you put it that way, I guess not.

    You must be tons of fun at a party....

  2. kill us all, we create too much drama anyway. Imagine, you could live a life of looking at nude male magazines and creating extra cool weapons to blow each other up with. Oh that would be the life...... of course I wouldn't have the luxury

  3. s**y time! Petri dish children in droves. Pretend this is a poem.

  4. The uterus is still needed.   We do know children can't grow to be emotionally healthy without nurturing.   Part of that nurturing is pre-natal.   Burlap sacks won't meet that criteria.    

  5. Do we really have the need for egotistical, self-loathing morons without a brain?  Could you be any more of a pretentious jacka$$?  Just go swell your man-to-hand relationship because judging from this post you don't have a girlfriend or wife and you never will!!  PLEASE GOD, don't let this SOB reproduce!

  6. No, actually we need the uterus more than we need the sperm.  Therefore, we need women, but all we need from men is their sperm.  So, what we should do is just milk the men of all their sperm, send them to like sperm farms where that could be done, freeze it, and we're good for another billion years or so.

  7. not until men can produce eggs. Because in order to produce life in a dish, mr, you need the egg from the female.

  8. It's easier to cure the hunger for bread than to cure the hunger of love.

    (Blessed Mother Teresa).

  9. And exactly how would these petri dish children grown in burlap sacks be raised?  What would their lives be like?  What would their personalities be like if there were no women?  How would this change the world?

  10. Women(non-feminist one that is) are always nice to have around, but they aren't needed.

  11. well, you still need those raw materials from the human body, so no, you still need us....It's actually woman that don't need men...In a recent study they have proven that if they take certain parts of a womans bone marow it can fertalize an egg just like sperm (a surgury designed for g*y woman that wanted biological children)  So, may I say IN YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!  All men should be kept underground and only brought up for the occasional s**y time woman enjoy so much!!!  Tee Hee!!!!!

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