
Feminists do you advocate primarily for Equity or Equality?

by Guest34242  |  earlier

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Ok since there was obvious confusion over my last post I'll state what the difference between the two is and then self-professed feminists can feel free to explain where they stand. Sounds good doesn't it :)

Equity is defined by the means used to produce an outcome which can be equal or unequal. It is defined as fair treatment essentially.

Equality is defined by the outcome itself which must be equal and consistent obviously. It does not account for the means which can fair or unfair.

Illustration: Person A gets paid more than person B for doing more work. It is equitable (fair) that they should be paid more but obviously unequal by definition.

Similarly Person B gets paid the same as person B for doing more work. It is equal by definition to pay them the same but obviously inequitable (unfair) since one has worked harded and deserves more

So which is it? Equity or Equality




  1. My account was suspended. No idea why but Rio would have got best answer for actually answering my question.

    Disappointed with yahoo..

  2. Your examples do not make sense. in the first case A does more work and gets paid more. That is an example of equity and equality- in the sense that more you work the  more youre paid. Feminism fights for this type type of equality where your payis dependent on the quality or the quantum of work. It is wrong only when you are paid less, because you are a woman though  working the same hours as a man

  3. The two words are very similar at first sight but they mean two completely different things.

    Equity=Fairness, usually in a legal context

    Equality=The state of being equivalent

    Douchey explained this very well in an earlier post.

  4. Then, it would be equality.

  5. Feminism revolves around equity, a woman does not need no men or DOES need the alimony and child support, depending on if the equity is bigger by her having her own career or her staying at home with a good earning man.

  6. I advocate equality, but not through feminism-- although I am a feminist, my main venue for my belief in equality would be democratic socialism.

    Anything other than equality makes a value judgment, and that is relative. While a construction worker might put in far more physical energy into his/her job than a lawyer, the lawyer makes much, much more money. But why do we say that physical labor is worth "less" than intellectual labor?

  7. Both.  If men refuse to fully embrace fatherhood (as evidenced by their unbridled enthusiasm for paternity leave) then by default it becomes "a woman's job".  That's not her fault, and she shouldn't be penalised for raising the next generation of taxpayers.

    You people need to get out more, do a bit of travelling.  The Europeans would find your question amusing.  We live in communities, its not "person A" and "person B" here.  Its a COMMUNITY with shared interests and common goals.  We are all INTERDEPENDENT.  The sooner we take this to heart the happier we will be.  No person a, no person b, no person c or d or e or f or g or h...

    a c-o-m-m-u-n-i-t-y which includes everyone: old, young, rich and poor.  Everyone is invited, and everyone belongs.

    *As I've already observed, you guys need to do some travelling.  We humans don't all think alike.  Our perceptions are moulded by the culture we live in.  The downside is that we tend to think our own culture is the only one in existence, or superior to others.

  8. I fight for equity. My grandparents lived through the results of attempts at equality, by that definition — in the U.S.S.R. No way in h**l would I want to go through that.

  9. That's a really good question.

    So by your defintions another way of putting it would be; Equity - everyone gets to race at the start line. Equality - Those in wheelchairs get to be closer to the finnish line so that everyone can finnish at exactly the same time.

    This is what feminists don't understand, that equal outcomes is not the same as equal oppurtunities. Everyone gets to race, but it's fair that only the fastest will win. I'm all for equal oppurtunities and I support anyone who fights for this whether it be because of their race, s*x, religion etc. I'm just tired of feminists wanting the same outcome all the time.

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