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feminists what are you trying to imply is it

Women are equal to men or superior to men

All men are rapists and that's all they are" - Marilyn French, 'The Women's Room'

"We are, as a s*x, infinitely superior to men." - Elizabeth Cady Stanton, quoted in ‘One Woman, One Vote’ (Wheeler 1995, p. 58).

"Men are the enemies of women" – Professor Ann Oakley (1984) in 'Taking It Like a Woman'.

"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle" –original source unknown.

The feminist movement is also active worldwide creating 'domestic violence' laws that are targeted against men & not women. The most notorious is the India Domestic Violence Act (2006) where a man can be jailed for insulting any female relative




  1. Imply ? That the dictionary definition of femminism (A doctrine that advocates equal rights for women) isnt the actual definition, and that they have a "hidden black dictionary" that is hidden from public attention. That they arent after equal rights, but more rights and privileges.

  2. Feminism is a movement of pedophelia and abuse headed by maybe L*****n for sure pedophile agitators.

  3. Women have been trod upon for ages. Most religions relegate women to an inferior status, for example: Jewish women must sit in the back of the synagogue behind a curtain, Catholic women cannot be ordained, most mid-eastern religions give women very few rights, and etc. Remember the wedding vows: "I now pronounce you MAN and wife". Remember the voting and property laws in this country. Maybe women are tired of being treated as chattel. Maybe they are over compensating, but who can blame such a misused group in our society. I say: let the women take control of this f---ed up world. They certainly couldn't do a worse job than we've done.

  4. Here's a Kleenex, pookie.

  5. This is one of the big questions about feminism today that I find hard to answer: what motivates women to support a movement that is at best unnecessary in most of the world, and at worst totally sexist?

    My sole reason for being on G&WS is to raise awareness of these issues and have noted that:

    1/ the women who are genuinely for equality for women don't call themselves feminists, and

    2/ the women who call themselves feminists will never ever admit that the feminist movement is doing any harm to men.

    This second point has got me really mad recently, and I really feel as if I am trying to talk to the KKK about equality for Black people a lot of the time.  But I guess I should just get used to it: the self-described feminists are just not going to listen to reason and will make every feeble excuse to explain away evidence. For example, the will say "Its only the radicals". Well sorry but the radicals are the leader of the movement, and the people who push for laws that discriminate against men e.g. the Domestic Violence Act (2006) in India that means a man (not woman) can be jailed for insulting any of his female relatives. But I don't see 'non-radical' feminists rushing to dismantle such an obviously sexist law.

    What motivates these 'feminists'? You will need a psychologist to answer that one, but one popular theme is a sense of revenge for years of supposed oppression by The Patriarchy. Don't get me started on that one...

  6. In America and most Modern Western nations women are shown more concern and given more liberty's then men, this is a result of over compensation by governments to make up for a past they had nothing to do with. For any woman today to hold a grudge against some oppressions of that past is no different than a black person suggesting that because their great, great, great, great grand father was a slave they are somehow entitled to compensation. The history of the world is filled with peoples who have been oppressed and somehow overcome it. In America I defy any women today to demonstrate a genuine instance of real oppression. So many feminist walk around looking for an insult that they cant help but interpret everything they see as one. They cling to this notion of being downtrodden so as to justify their overzealous hatred of men. I don't hate men, I know I am treated equally in most ways, better in some and worse in others. But it pretty much balances out.

    Men and women are equal in a generic, social way. But in reality we are very different physically (in case you didn't notice) and as such we have natural strengths and weakness's when compared to the opposite s*x. Its not insulting to acknowledge these differences, in fact its ignorant and foolish to push an agenda that is blind to them.

    I watched a documentary sometime back discussing the lowering of standards so as to allow women to become firefighters. Is that in the public's best interest? I think not, it places us in jeopardy for the purpose of Political correctness.

    I work in the tech sector and I don't walk around crying about being in a male dominated field, instead I just do the best job I am capable of and have enjoyed the benefits of a good work ethic.

    Hard Core, militant Feminist like the ones you quote do not help the cause of equality they create a hostile environment that normal men and women must endure for no real gain.

  7. I'm not a feminist but I think women are definately equal to men, some superior just as some men are superior.  It's all about equality.  men get worked up over feminists saying it's wrong but then they go and treat women as though they're inferior, which is the whole point of feminism.  As for those quotes, the first is stupid and wrong, the second is half true and half false, the third is just weird and the fourth is again, half true half false.

  8. Women are equal to men. That's the end of it. It doesn't matter what a few extremists said thirty years ago; it doesn't matter what sexist laws are being carried out in our name.

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