
Feminists: would you support the repeal of all s*x-specific laws?

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So, no laws or policies that refer to women or men specifically, only to "person" and no government agencies specifically for "women."

If you would support that, more would believe you were for equality.




  1. We'd have to make exceptions for pregnancy, obviously, but I'd support that otherwise.

  2. To be more general are you saying dump all affirmative action, hate crimes and entitlement programs.

    I doubt there are many feminist who would be willing to give up their legal strangle hold on men. Its one thing to preach equality but entirely another to act upon it when you have an advange.

  3. I would like for all laws to say person- but as for government agencies no-  we specifically need the ones we have.   I am not sure you really know what you are asking.   Do you really want programs that cover oral contraceptives and other methods of contraception eliminated?

  4. Yes I would and believe that most laws are like that already.  In parenting laws, for example, it does not say the mother or father but simply the parent.  The only time "woman" and "man" should be used is in laws surrounding abortion.  Unfortunately, there is little we can do to change the fact that it is the mother that carried the child and the father that implants the child.

  5. I agree with the others. Pregnancy refers only to women.

  6. When feminists rise up and demand the end of VAWA, those crazy DV laws in the UK and India, equal rights for fathers, and equal parental leave, we'll believe they want equality.

  7. I think women are only feminist when it comes to that time of the month and the rest of the time they're just like the rest of us.Unless pregnant of course.

  8. Yes I would...with the exception of abortion laws.

  9. I can't think of any laws in the UK that AREN'T gender neutral, so yes. With regards to policies, you may have to expand on what you mean by that.

    Abortion laws only apply to pregnant people.

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