
Fence dispute question?

by  |  earlier

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a part of our fence fell down. we built the fence in the first place so we asked our neighbors if they would split the cost for the fence or if we should just take it down. they wanted the fence up but they didn't want to pay. so we built the fence back without them paying and our side looks good. but now they are complaining that their side looks horrible. what should we do to remain civil?




  1. It's good that you want to stay civil. You could ask them what it is that you could do to make the fence more acceptable to them/

    You could allow them to paint their side of the fence (is it a wooden fence?) You could advise them to put up another fence inside their property line that would be more to their liking.

    Open the lines of communication and see what develops!

    Good luck.

  2. It is not your responsibility to do anything. You offered to split the cost of the fence and they declined. If it is a wood fence, they can face off their side with minimal work and cost, after all you say they wanted the fence back up. Offer to help them face off their side but let them pay for the materials.

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