
Fencing <span title="classes???..................">classes???..................</span>

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How much are fencing classes for a begginer. Age 11. My brother wants to do it, and my mom wants more information. So anything you want to say about it would be helpful. Thanks.




  1. Of course, prices will differ depending on the area, coaches, and club or facility. At my club, it costs $59 for 3 1-hour long group lessons at the beginner level. As a beginner, you&#039;ll probably be able to borrow fencing equipment instead of buying your own.

    If you decide to continue fencing and you are committed, that is the time to buy equipment. It can get pretty expensive to buy everything and maintain it all, but you feel much more confident if you have your own stuff.

    Now, it&#039;s fairly simple to learn how to fence. You will be able to do the steps and moves rather quickly. It&#039;ll just take time to do them well against your opponent. Fencing requires experience, no matter how naturally gifted you are, because it really is an individual sport. Just you and your opponent. Be prepared to take the time to practice often.

    And, of course, safety because Mom will want to know about this. Fencing is a very safe sport. It&#039;s quoted to be second only in safety to badminton. You&#039;re padded with layers and layers of clothing (and the higher quality stuff is made of Kevlar, the material used to make bullet-proof vests). The weapons are made to bend and the tips are blunt.

    The only time you would really have to worry about your safety is if your equipment is weak, your opponent is careless and swings his weapon around, or if your blade is literally broken in half and you are fencing with that for some stupid reason. The absolute worst injuries I have received from my 6 or so years of fencing would be muscle soreness and a few ugly bruises. And finger callouses.

    So that was price, time, difficulty, and safety. If you have any other questions, the following two sites should be useful. Otherwise, have fun.

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