
Feng Shui: Career's element is water, but opposite side of wall is bathroom, cures?

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I'm also working on the Career gua which, as it happens, is ruled by the Water element. The wall separating my room room from my bath is along the Career and Mountain guas. I've read bathrooms literally "flush" good chi away. Would I hang a mirror *facing* the bathroom to contain that chi possibility while hanging either *another* mirror facing in toward the room or a painting evocative of water facing insided the room, in the Career gua?

Thank you : )




  1. there is no such thing as a career gua. gua is the result you end up with using your birthdate calculating using the 8 mansions to know whether you belong to the east group or the west group.

    and career is certainly not water.

    the thing to note about bathrooms is that as long as the bedroom does not share a wall where the toilet bowl is attached, then you are okay.

    i cannot exactly get what you mean, or you got your info from the wrong sources.

    if we are talking about where you stay more like a bedroom sharing a wall with a bathroom, then i would not suggest a cure. because a cure just hinders the bad chi from affecting you. it does not erase it, nor does it make the bad chi into good chi. bec in fengshui, time can be a factor, so when the right time comes, you can still be affected by that bad chi whether or not you have the cure in place or not.

  2. Before doing anything, you should analyze your home according to the 8 Mansions and Flying Stars system of Feng Shui. It is much more accurate as the bagua system of 8 aspirations. In the meantime, you should keep your bathroom closed. Have a look here for more information:

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