
Feng Shui bed positioning question?

by  |  earlier

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I read that in order for the bed to be in the right position (in feng shui), it should be placed against a wall, facing the door (but NOT directly facing the door), at the end of the diagonal, the furthest diagonal from where the door is..However, I have a window at that place, and you're not supposed to but the bed against a window, either. Obviously then, my room is not the best structurally for feng shui...So, where can I put the bed then, since the window is there (according to feng shui please)?...




  1. You should give priority to your favorable directions. Once you know them, choose the one that best fits in your bedroom. There is no perfect room to place the bed and it is not always possible to consider main guidelines such as not to face the door etc.

    I always choose one of my favorable directions and had once only the choice to sleep beyond the window. So I did and it all was perfect. I just made sure to close the curtains.

    You can check your favorable directions here and choose which would be best for you:

  2. Align the length of the bed with the North magnetic pole and place it in the exact center of your back yard.

  3. Move your bed to the kitchen, and have it face the dishwasher.

  4. Wow your room really isn't conducive to feng shui. I knew you should never have your bed with your feet facing the door way so I think against any wall will be fine if you avoid that.

  5. In Chinese believes, a bed should NOT be facing opposite a door as it is  believed to block the flow of energy, so it should be placed so you can see your guests enter and not block its view. The idea of sleeping with your head facing the window instead of your feet also runs in the tradition.  

  6. according to the chinese your feet cannot be pointed toward a door while speeping because that is the was the dead ppl are carried out of a room and you head cannot be directy under while u sleep it may lokk rele nice but its bad luck and when u have a desk dont let your back face the door a burgler could kill u thats all the feng shui stuff ik lol hope i helped♥ : ]

  7. compromise.

    in short the bed should not be facing windows or doors(if it is buy some thing to blk it)

    and it should be backed up to a wall

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