
Fermentation question?

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what can be used to ferment rather than yeast?




  1. some forms of bacteria and molds can break down sugars, but they don't form alcohol and its not called fermentation.  as the above person stated, its only called fermentation if it is yeast eating sugar.

  2. Fine wine is not made with yeast... Yeast can ruin it... There is enough  traces of yeast in the air that you don't need to add it to wine, just sugar, water and fruit, for wine...

       Yeast is added is you want to ferment it faster, like in a week or so, whereas wine can take it's time and be ready in a few months...

  3. Sake making involves koji, but the koji does not really ferment the rice - it breaks down starches into sugars that the yeast can later metabolize.   There's something called "kombucha," which is a culture of a variety of micro-organisms used to ferment tea.  However, I think some yeast strains are generally part of that mix.  Some beers are made with a mix of micro-organisms including lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid bacteria, pediococcus, even enteric bacteria - but these beers also usually involve one or more wild yeasts (often brettanomyces strains).  

    To answer your question directly, to the best of my knowledge any kind of fermented beverage involves a yeast of some sort, though that yeast can be a wild or nontraditional strain, or can work in conjunction with other micro-organisms.

  4. Fermentation requires sugar and yeast.  PERIOD!  The source of sugar can be barley, corn, rice, wheat, etc.  But it's still sugar.  When fermentation occurs, the yeast and sugar react to form alcohol and carbon dioxide gas.  Remove either ingredient, and fermentation won't happen.

  5. bd is correct.  

    While yeast is required it can work in conjunction with other organisms such as bacteria.  Some call this "Wild Yeast".  Wild yeast is the preferred method of fermentation in Belgian Lambic style beers.  They prefer the "unique" elements it imparts on the flavor of the beer.  

    You could surely try a Lambic at any liquor store that sells craft beers.

  6. Nothing, Yeast is the only organism that will produce alcohol.  Bacterial fermentation will produce smelly, nasty results.
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