
Ferret Question. Honesty please :D?

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The Smell, I want to know if the smell is really that bad. Taking care of one is no problem. I've been wanting a pet that forms a relationship with its owner. I know dogs and cats do the same thing but I am tired of both to honest. I have been around them all my life. But I want a little family member around and I need to be keeping him in my room. So in all honesty and please don't put this into extreme words. How bad is the smell really? And put it into the prospective that I will clean the Ferret and its cage pretty much daily. I do know all about the ferrets skin glands and how that no matter how much u bath them they always stink, And I have done all the research. Money is no problem at all. But i want an honest answer. Is it bearable? And another question, Is it really better to buy two? I really just want one, But if getting 2 is better for the creature then I will get 2. Thank you so much for any answers. :D




  1. Having 4 ferrets myself, I can honestly say that the smell isn't bad at all. If you keep on top of changing the litter box, and bathe every few weeks or so, I can have people over that never realize that I have ferrets in the next room!   They act very much like a cross between a dog and a cat. Mine definitely seek me out when I walk into the room.  Like to roughhouse, but then like their downtime in my arms cuddling.

    I did have rats previously, and while they could be litter box trained for poops, they urinate and mark wherever they please.  Intelligent and attention seeking, unforunately they would trigger my asthma every time I handled them.  : (

  2. They do smell, but I always found the smell of ferrets quite pleasant. It might sound crazy but it reminds me of tortilla chips! If you wash their bedding every week or so and give them a bath once every month or two it's not bad at all. If you like the smell of musk based perfumes you won't mind it. However I find that their excrement does smell quite a lot. Regular litter cleaning etc helps a huge amount and certain foods cause the poo to smell more or less. One is fine, but I find two ferrets twice the fun. ; )

  3. I had a ferret for a little while until she attacked my bird. But the smell really wasn't that unbearable. I mean they defiantly have a distinct smell but you get used to it. You need to make sure their litter box is cleaned at LEAST daily or they will start to poo else where.

    Most animals are happy with a friend, but I never saw a problem with having just one. They do need a lot of attention and love to have someone to play with. Rats are also a great pet to have relationships with, but again they like to have friends.  

  4. Ferrets are cute but they do smell so I have herd. You can get there glands removed and I suppose if you keep the cage up then you should be fine. Now about one or two I don't know but if you have one, you can really adapt to the little fella! Good luck! Take care and best wishes!

  5. The smell is not bad, actually mine don't smell at all really.

    But I wash and change their bedding each day, sometimes twice a day.

    Wash their cage down each evening.

    I feed them decent food. Evo and Totally Ferret, mixed with a raw diet.

    When I bathe them, which is usually once a month - more if they get into something, or decide to sleep in their litter box. I use Marshall Ferret Shampoo (with aloe vera to cleanse without stripping coat oils). It has a pleasant smell to it.

    I use a litter called Yesterday's News, or Good News which is highly absorbent and inexpensive.

    Most of it is about cleanliness.

    But the ferret oils alone is really not a horrible smell. I actually like it, and so do a lot of owners.

    Somewhat reminds me of that "new puppy" smell in a way.

    2 ferrets are always better than one in my opinion and if you can afford it (food, care and vet bills), because when you are not home or unable to play with your ferret while out during playtime he/she has someone. Ferrets bond very well with other ferrets and once bonded, separating them can cause death or depression. They will become heartbroken. So it’s important if you get two they stay together their whole lives. Also ferrets love to snuggle with one another.

  6. Ferrets do smell pretty bad, and the idea is not to bath them to often cause that will actually make them smell worse (they need the oil their skin produces and when you wash it off they need to create more - smelly)

    What i would recommend, if you want a little friend for your room is a couple of rats, they dont smell half as bad and are very affectionate, cuddly creatures. They are very intelligent and can be trained much the same as dogs. They tent to form quite a bond with their owners, and while out of there cage will not leave your side.

    Much cheaper to look after as well.

    Good luck

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