
Ferret Sneezing- Please help!?

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My ferret won't stop sneezing! He woke up about 10 minutes ago and he hasn't stopped. He woke himself up to sneezing. And I don't know what to do.

It's too late at night to take him to the vet right away but it's really starting to scare me and I need to know what to do!




  1. ok. has any1 been smoking near this animal recent to the sneezing fit? or has any new (chemical) smells or new pets been introduced immediately before the fit? if so, this could be the problem. if not... i would suggest taking it to the vet. has any1 in your home (or around ferret) had a cold recently? ferrets can contract colds and flu from people. hope this helps.

  2. Well, we know he doesn't have a cold because ferrets don't get rhinoviruses.  They do get allergies, sinus infection, things stuck in their sinuses, etc. -- all of which can cause sneezing.

    They normally sneeze more than other mammals because it is a good way to dislodge musk from glands which are behind and below their ears and then they spread it over their faces, but that isn't the non-stop sneezing you mention.

    Since it hasn't happened before my suspicion is that the ferret has inhaled something which is stuck in a sinus.  This might sound unbelievable, but it's true:  because they are used to using their own hands to force a sneeze when they dislodge musk they tend to take readily to using handkerchiefs (usually preferring the cloth ones we find) so you may be able to help that way so that the ferret can better snort out the offending item if that is the cause.  Just hold it to the nostrils as you would for yourself.  The ferret will quickly get the idea and the cloth may help remove the problem things.  A wet swab used just on the edges sometimes can help, too, but usually not quite as well.

    There can be other causes but these are ones which might provide rapid answers.

    Be VERY careful with antihistamines, as with any other med.  If your vet first okays the use then some plain prediatric Benedryl elixir can be tried, but some other antihistamines  are rapidly toxic for ferrets and will poison them.  

    Several common human OTC (over the counter) human meds are common causes of accidental poisoning of ferrets.

    Added later to further help. While ferrets do get sinus infections and influenza they don't get colds because they don't get rhinoviruses.  Don't take my word for that, see

    ferret expert veterinary pathology statements like:

  3. you could take it to a vet cause it probably has a cold

  4. Take him to the vet, it could have an upper respitory problem, its serious!

  5. mix his food with cat food and give him small amount of baby aspirin he ll gain a little weight but thats caused by the cat food call your vet

  6. aww the poor little guy :( i'm sorry i don't know anything about them. i hope it feels better!

  7. How old is he? Mine used to do this and I would give a very small amount of baby allergy med. Hope he feels better.

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