
Ferret litter and food?

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Is it safe for ferrets to use Purina® secondnature® Housetraining Solution as a litter. And what 2 kinds of cat food do you recommend mixing with ferret food.




  1. Cat litter isnt good for ferrets you can use it but you shouldn't. If you must use cat litter get no clump litter and dust fee litter.

    Any HIGH quality cat food it OK. but its just much better to mix two very good ferret foods.

  2. I dont know about this Purina litter, but I do know that ferrets have very sensitive respiratory tracts, and need litter that is virtually dust free. Avoid clay based cat litters, due to the dust, and the fact that ferrets wipe their bums - they can get anal impactions from clay. Also avoid wood based litters as they have strong odors that can irritate their lungs. I use Yesterday's News, which is pelletted recycled newspaper. It is very odor absorbing.

    Ferrets should not eat cat food. Ferrets need very high protien foods, with virtually zero carbs. Cat foods typically do not offer this. Get your ferrets a very high quality food, as this is the most important thing you can do to ensure your ferret has a healthy life. I use EVO natural ferret food, although i used 8-in-1 Ultimate Ferret food for a couple years. The 8-in1 is an awkward star shaped kibble, which I found both my ferrets often got stuck in their tiny mouths. EVO is, in my opionion, a bit more nutritionally balanced, and it has a nice sized round kibble. It costs me 20 bucks for a 5 lb bag which lasts 6-8 wks with 2 ferrets.

  3. I use innova evo, chicken soup for the kitten lover's soul, and I try to keep Purina One Kitten food in the mix as well.   I only use Purina One to keep them accustomed to the taste since it is readily available, and the other two or not.  I want something that they are used to in case I run out and I can't get ahold of Evo or Chicken Soup.  I am working on transitioning to raw diet with them and plan on phasing out kibble within the year.

    I'm not familiar with the purina product you mentioned.  I use recycled newspaper litter for my two.  Usually yesterdays news.  I find it to be cleaner and smell better than other litters, so I think it's worth the money!  For litter, you want to make sure it is 98% (or better) dust free.  I also know people who just line the boxes with newspaper, and change out the newspaper twice a day.

  4. Any cat litter or litter you would find in the small animal section is ok for ferrets. try not to get anything too dusty though, b/c it could cause resp. problems.

    I wouldn't mix any cat food in with ferret food. It's better just to give them ferret food. However, i've heard of people giving them certain kinds of KITTEN food.

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