
Ferret owners do you think Mr. Bean is a good name?

by Guest60998  |  earlier

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The little champange boy in my avatar is 12 1/2 weeks old and that is his name. I love it. I was going to name him just Bean until I saw someone else had their ferret named Bean and I like to be original so I added the Mr. and so I have a Mr. Bean!!! What do you think of the name?




  1. yes... i think it's adorable!!!!! we have five, my oldest is named sugarfoot.....!!!he's a cutie!!enjoy his energy.

  2. no, makes him sound stupid, sorry but being honest.  but if you like the name go ahead, the pet will love you no matter his name.

  3. Very cute name. He can be your Beany Baby:) I named mine Lokey after the god of mischief

  4. ok ferrets are like baby's so they should have something that is closet to your heart and mabie mix it up a little like i like toaster strutles and i named one of mine retsels

  5. I adopted one from a local shelter named Bean, his full name is actually Mr. F.O. Beans as in Mr. Full Of Beans but we just call him Bean (or Beaner).

    When my friend picked him up from Animal Control and transferred him to the ferret shelter he was so scared he would jump and try to bolt at the slightest sound. They couldn't calm him down for quite some time so he earned his name. I came to pick him up that day, I was going to foster but he was such a cutie I decided to adopt him. We kept his name as is and he will always be my little Beaner. :-)

  6. I think Mr.Bean is a really cute name for a ferrett. My friends Ferrett was named pogey. he died recently. She's really torn from it. She told me she came down to take him on a walk and there he was shaking every where. He had a stroke. The vet had to put him down!!! I feel really bad for her. She loved that little guy! He was really cute too! And to the guy that thinks that there only good for coats and boots I bet there a black hole where ur heart is! All animals r wonderful and do not deserve to be killed so heartless people like u can wear them. 2 the guy that likes ferretts for coats...u disgust me!!!

    If ur talking to me well I do own a ferrett and its name is Bob. I named him bob cause hes really chubby! And He always wants more and more treats. LOL  so there I am a ferrett owner, I got Bob at Petsmart. He kinda sick rite now tho. Im really worried he doesnt eat much and barely drinks enuf water. I brot him to the vet and he said that he was suffering from something that starts w/ an R...Rit something I think. Poor little guy! I luv him and really hope hes going to pull through

  7. lol thats a cute name.

    i have one too. his name is Mr. Ferret.

  8. I think its a really cute name!

  9. I think Mr Bean is awesome.

    I have two ferrets named Donetella and SidneyBoy. They were named that when I adopted them. I've also had Plinko, Bandit, Slinky, and Runt.

    The only thing that matters is that you love the name you have for him!

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