
Ferret problem!!!?

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my ferret is about 1 and hasn't grown




  1. maybe a birth defect, i wouldnt worry unless you start to see unatural or strange behavior, then i would go see a vet. Ferrets are naturally very small though and its mom and dad could have just been small casueing him to be very small.

    Good Luck

  2. weird

  3. So. Small ferrets are cuter anyways. It took my ferret 2 years to grow like another quarter of his size.

  4. yay for ferrets! i have two.. dont worry if it doesnt grow cus ya theyre hecksa cute wen they are small. if u are super super worried then see the breeder/ store u got it from and see if this is normal or ok. or see the vet.

  5. I'll bet it has grown, you just probably havent noticed it because they don't grow that much and you see it everyday. My ferret seemed for the longest time that she wasnt getting any bigger, but the friend that was with me when I bought her came to visit me about six months later and she made an observation about how big she had gotten... it was news to me!

  6. well, he probably needs steriods to grow.

  7. You may not be giving her the right nutrition.

  8. maybey its a midget ferret

  9. take it to the vet, it may have a glandular problem, theres a gland that tells your body to grow. take it to the vet ASAP

  10. He might just be the runt. Is he healthy? If it's a female, they are just smaller. It's most likely just that he's small. If he's eating fine, drinking normal, and his p**p is good, you probably don't have anything to worry about. How big is he and how much does he weigh?

  11. They sometimes take a while to grow bigger as do all animals but check out the website below and you can send them an email as well. They are very helpful, but you should also just double check with your local vet. Hope this helps :)
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