
Ferret question plzz help me?

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i used to have a ferret as a kid but it chased me and was trying to bite me and im thinking of getting a ferret agian wat can i do for it to not take me as threat and treat me like friend




  1. the gender off the ferret doesn't usually mean its going too be nice or horrible, male ferrets do tend too be a alot more laid back whilst the females are more playful and active, these traits arent the same with every ferret.

    i would suggest looking for your local rescue that way the ferrets are usually nip trained so you dont have too do the hard work, your ferrets happieness will also show in its behavouir your ferret should have a decent size cage and have lots of playtime out of the cage, the more human interaction your ferret gets with humans the more friendly it will become.

    you should also consider getting two ferrets this way they can get alot of energy out on eachother, keep each other company when you cant be around.

    do alot of reasearch on ferret nip-training the ferrets for dummies book is a good place too start not only will it tell you about nip-training but also about everything else you need too no. maybe join a ferret forum and visit some rescues too see theyre way of nip-training.

    good luck:)

  2. Make sure that when you buy your ferret it is neutered, or get your ferret neutered.  This takes away a lot of behavior problems already.  Definatly get a male.  Try to get a younger ferret because you can bond with it earlier.  Give it a lot of love and make sure it is used to being held.  Teach it not to bite by scruffing it when it bites and yelling "ou!" if it does.  If they let you touch him without biting pet him and be congratilate him.  Put him away in his cage if he is out of control and biting everyone.  Keep in mind that they like to play games, therefore they may play bite when excited.  DO NOT TAP THEIR NOSE!!! It gives them a reason to bite.  You dont hit your dog.  you dont scratch your cat back, you dont tap your ferret.  If he is biting, push your skin or a finger into his mouth further so biting is unpleasant for them and they let go.  My ferret likes to play chase, all you have to do is play until he gets distracted by something else.

    One way I bond with my little boy is to take a nap with him.  After playing if I see him getting tired and going to sleep, I wait until he falls asleep and then I pick him up and go lay on the couch and we nap together.  That is a very strong way to bond with him.

  3. I would def. suggest buying a male ferret. I fell into the stupid information that said boys smells worse than females. Truth is they really don't. All ferrets have that slight musky smell. My boys don't smell anymore than my girl. My girl is as mean as ever for no reason. She bites everyone to the point to make them bleed. She doesn't bight me unless playing.

    My boys are such lovers. They seem to be calmer too. It is normal for ferrets to want to chase your pants and grab a hold on them though. They just have a really playful nature.

    That's how they also play with each other. Ferret's have tough skin so they can bite each other rather hard and not leave a mark or draw blood but it doesn't click to them that humans have much softer skin and they don't realize they are hurting us. They just think they are playing.

    I heard that a tap on the nose when they do it works as well.  

  4. I'm not sure why your ferret chased you and tried to bite you, but there are a lot of ways to bond with your ferret. If you are the one always giving it food, water, treats, and taking out to play it'll recodnize you as the one who brings it what it needs and they WILL depend on you for everything. Sometimes people pick thier ferrets up and just hold it until it wakes up or you can wrap your arms around it like a burrow or den and this will make the ferret feel safe. Your arms are like a protective burrow around it where it feels safe and nothing can hurt it, where it can look at everything.

  5. I have two ferrets. One suggestion would be to get a boy they seem to be way more loveable. I have a boy and a girl. My girl was more aggressive. It took me about a week to get her to trust me. I handled her alot and she started warming up to me after about a week she is now 2 years old and she doesnt bite at all. Another suggestion would be to get a baby ferret. If you really want to get some expert opinions go to the ferret forum. The ppl on there are wonderful and very helpful. Hope that helps


  6. just be gental and when it chases u its just playin, try tickling it, and i bond with my ferrets by snuggleing them when we take naps

  7. Go to the pet store and look at every ferret. The ferret that is the friendliest you should get. Or just get a baby ferret, thats what my sister always did and she has about 4 friendly ferrets right now.

    Good luck

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