
Ferrets? Good pets?Answer some qustions 4 me pleez!

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I'm thinking about getting a ferret. They seem really cool. Iv'e grown up with animals all of my life. I've had rats, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, dogs, frogs, fish, snakes. But never a ferret. Are they good pets? What is the average life span? Are there differnt breeds? Any important facts I need to know? Thanks so much!




  1. ferrrets are amazing pets! They are very good pets, loyal and fun! they do bite sometimes but it usually doesnt hurt and if you just hold them by there scruff(skin behind there neck) they will usually learn not to! Yes there are differnt breeds. there arent THAT many but yeea there are some differnt ones. like albino. they need about an hour-three hours of play a day. they live like 10-16 years! you should defintaly buy one!

  2. Ferrets can live an average of about 7-8 years.  They are very active, playful and social pets.  They have scent glands so they must be descented and will still have a musky odor to them.  Females must be spayed as they are prone to a disease otherwise unless they are bred every year.  They have thick skin and tend to play rough, so need to be taught not to bite or scratch to hard, but they are not too difficult to train.  They can be litter trained, but they have small bladders, so they need either a small room to play in with a "potty spot" close by, or paper in all the room corners.  They need a lot of attention and play time with their owners or a companion pet, but they are definitely loving little creatures who are well worth the care and attention they require.  I had a ferret and she was a joy.  I called her my "natural anti-depressant" because her antics could always make me laugh after a bad day.  They love treats and are very curious and bright and can get into a lot of mischief if not closely watched, but a ferret can definitely be a most rewarding pet.  

    Oh, and don't believe anything anyone says about them not getting along with cats!  My cats and my ferret got along great!  In fact, they would team up to get into trouble!  My cat soon found out that the ferret was better at opening up closed wrappers than she was and would climb up and knock packages of tasty treats down from high shelves for the ferret to open so they could both feast!  No place was safe to hide beef jerky, meat sticks, or potato chips from those two!  The ferret was my cats' favorite cat toy.

  3. I'm not sure.  You seem pretty experienced but apparently ferrets are hard to train and they bite and scratch

    theyre adorable though

    all the best

  4. ferret on average live to be 6-8. But can live longer.

    The make wonderful pets for the RIGHT people.

    There colors range. And you can even have mixes of them.

    Everything you need to know about about ferret is important. My suggestion for you is to please join this forum. It is a wonderful place to learn everything you need to know. Everyone there are very helpful. I myself am a memnber and get on everyday. You can find everything out that you need to know from poeple who have owned ferrets. A lot of information on here is just what people hear. And most is not true on here. So please come check it out.

  5. there nasty creatures i know 10 people who have them 9 people out of 10 dislike them the other one loves him even though he smells

  6. Ferrets can be a lot of work, so do some research.

    There are nothing like a rat, hamster, gerbil, guinea pig and like to be out roaming your bedroom or home (ferret proofed). Not caged up. They at least need to be out for 4 hours a day. Makes them happier and healthier.

    They can live up to 12 years, but usually cuts down due to illnesses, swallowing things that can't be digested.

    They are wonderful pets! Loving, smart. They can be taught tricks. Mine can roll over, sit, stay. They love to please (when a treat is offered)

    There really isn't different breeds but there is angoras which are beautiful. They do come in many colors though. The most common is Sable with a mask. Reminds me of a raccoon.

    Before I got my two boys I did months of research and spent time with my mother in law's 8 ferrets. Visit a pet store or Ferret shelter.

    They really don't care to be held or cuddled often if at all, but they LOVE to play!

    Their diet is also pretty important. You can do research on different foods or I'm sure someone here will list some great ones. Most ferret owners have their own opinions on food. I've rarely found more than 2-3 people who agreed on a brand.

    Good luck! and Research!

    Its fun to research on your own, you can discover so many things. More than one person can list for you here. Also watch some Youtube videos. There are some educational videos there.

  7. I love my ferrets!!!  Look at a ferret like this.  They are more comparable to a cat than any other animal but their intelligence is what makes them humorous to own and watch.  I do recommend a general ferret book though it will help you understand most things about them.  VERY IMPORTANT - get a collar with a bell!!! If you don't you'll need luck trying to find it.  They're quick and can squeeze into small places like a rat.

  8. ive had both pet ferrets and hunting ferrets and i think they are amazing pets (though they do smell so you would need to keep them outside)      their only problem is  if they bite, they bite hard,  but if you can create a strong bond between you and your feret im sure youd both be very happy :P

  9. They live from 7 to 10 years.  They are awesome pets.  They are loving, playful and clean animals.  They use a litter box.  They do have a light smell but its not bad at all.  They love to play and Im mean LOVE to play and sleep.  There arent different breeds but there are tons of different colors.  I love my ferret!

  10. I have two Ferrets, one male one female. They can live anywhere from 5-10 years approx. but like any pet it depends on how well they are taken care of. I would suggest getting them a cage that is easy to take their toys, bowls, etc. in and out of, and also easy to move and clean because they get messy fast. Ferrets are animals with strong smells, but there are ways to prevent it. I get mine washed once-twice a week (you can but special shampoo.) Also their litter boxes need to be cleaned at least every two days if not every day. DON'T OVER FEED THEM. It's bad or their health, and fat ferrets are never fun. They take alot of responsibility but are also alot of fun. I suggest getting more than one, for they are very playful. Also, you can get leashes for them to take them out when the weather is nice. And they need to be trained to use a litter box.

    I hope I helped!

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