
Ferrets are they like bunnys or more like dogs?

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i have always wonder what fereets are like are they like rabbits you know allways in there cage all you can realy do witht hem is hold them and pet them.or are they like dogs?playful you can let on the ground and play with you and not run away?how are they?




  1. Ferrets are like ferrets. They have their own characteristics.

  2. They are great, wonderful pets and they do bond with their owners, though not always cuddly - they like to roam and play.  As for nipping - they do it out of play and you have to train them not to, even when they do most times it is not hard.

    You get out of your pet what you put into it- lots of play, love, attention, good food and a clean cage - pays off.

  3. ferrets are highly intelligent and curious. they need to play, they need the attention. I would liken them to dogs in personality and playfulness. if you take a ferret outside keep him on a leash. they can run off and get into all sorts of trouble. they can squeeze into tiny spaces like behind the washing machine. I "ferret sat" once. they are fun but alot of work

  4. More like a puppy or kitten. They love to play, all the time. They don't like to be kept in a cage all day. Mine only get caged when I am not home or in bed.

    Mine love attention, they thrive on it. If I walk into the room they are climbing up my legs wanting me to play with them.

    Very intelligent animals. I would compare to a dog. Mine know tricks such as roll over, sit, even fetch and shoulder riding.

    Just for fun, here is a little video of a trained Ferret.

  5. I would say they are more like a cat. They will come investigate you but will never bond with you like a dog or cat will in my experience. You can let them roam around the house as long as its air tight while you are there. No holes to escape from must be present or they are gone. Ours got out of its cage and disappeared for a week then showed back up to eat.  When it was young it would sometimes nip your toe or finger as a test I suppose.  

  6. ..they're like ferrets.

    Bred for going down rabbits holes ..

    nip alot.

    Wouldnt reccomend one although many people find them great pets.

  7. they behave more like kittens that never grow up.  In most areas they are supposed to be caged when not being held.  Here there is a hefty fine for allowing a ferret to be at large.  As for being in a cage they are more like a rabbit.

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