
Ferries to Australia?

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Is it possible to get a ferrie from UK to Australia...this is for someone who hates to fly..many thanks for any info




  1. There are cruise ships that come out for the cruising season,our summer,and head back for the cruise season ,your summer.You can get them here and return.So that would make it a 6 month trip.

    But not that many cruise ships in Australia.

    There is a ship sailing from Europe to Sydney in November and returning to Europe in March.

    It is called The Princess Daphne.

    It cost alot cause it is a long trip.

    Go to

    Also was on a gargo ship a few weeks ago with my work.Spoke to the captain about cruising on cargo ships and told me it is very rare as,sometimes they don't know where they are going next and often can be waiting outsde a port for weeks before unloading,so you are stuck there.

    Hope this helps and good luck.

  2. Not a ferry no. Australia's a bit to far away for a ferry.

    Had you asked 1000+ years ago, I wouldve told you to steal a loaf of bread, free entry.

    I havent heard of there being any cruise liners, however the big Queen x*x (being several different ones) often come into Australian shores. There may be a way to travel to Australia on this voyage, but it will no doubtly cost alot of money.

    Perhaps try and find if theres somewhere you can travel to by road or train that may be a closer and shorter flight.

  3. All the cruise liners that do get here are usually doing it as a series of mini cruises tacked together to make one very long trip.

    The Portuguese or Russian liners would probably be the cheapest.

    The Queen Victoria would be one of the most expensive.

    Or if you don't mind roughing it a bit, check with the commercial freighters. Sometimes they'll take paid passengers if there's only one or two of you.

  4. In the 60s and 70s you could get a ship directly from the US or UK to Australia.  These don't run now, and if they did the trip would take four to five weeks!  Even sailing by freighter is now difficult, as it's unlikely that these travel that distance anymore.

    Best to book a plane, take a sleeping tablet, and you'll be here in 24 hours.

  5. Are you nuts. You'd need a huge ship. Not a little ferrie.

  6. There are cruise ships which go from Southampton to Australia.

    Try the web site for P. & O. who are Southampton-based.

    In the old £10 to emigrate days, cruise liners were often used to transport immigrants.

    It will cost around £100 a day but that includes everything except your beer (so you can deduct that from what you would be spending on lodgings, food, fuel, etc., at home) and the cheapest inside cabins are OK - I have to pull curtains anyway when I'm at sea in a heavy swell.

    The other possibility is to get a job working on a ship for the voyage - my Gt. grandfather worked his passage back to England from Sydney.

  7. i very much doubt it... that would take a long time, you would be better off getting over your fear of flying and just doing it, its only 24 hours and isnt that bad, ive done it a whole bunch of times and not too big a fan of flying either...

  8. Unless you want to spend a huge amount of money and time on a luxury cruise ship it is MUCH easier, cheaper and quicker to fly.  As someone else said just take a sleeping pill on the way and you will be fine.
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