
Ferrol can not shake off the past

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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In the birthplace of Francisco Franco, the vestiges of Franco that survive the test of time and the body of the Historical Memory Law (52/ 2007), which requires removing them, seem inexhaustible. The Official Gazette of the Parliament on Monday released a proposition of law sponsored ferrolana PSOE Member of Congress, Paloma Rodriguez and signing Eduardo Madina, secretary of the Socialist group in the House, calling for the elimination of the symbology survives in the town, both in public buildings and military compounds.

Specifically, the PSOE three points. The first is a pre-constitutional shield that dominates the entrance of the old Customs building in the harbor district of Ferrol Vello. They also require seven roads and roundabouts that gloss the military coup inside the Ferrol Arsenal Street will be renamed. Son Generalissimo roundabout, Avenue Salvador Moreno, Marques de Alboran plaza and streets Carrero Blanco, Honorio Cornejo, Admiral Vierma and Crucero Baleares. And finally, that the remains of two of them, Salvador Moreno and Francisco Fernández two ferrolanos marine ' participants in the uprising and partners dictatorship ' that lie buried in the Pantheon of Illustrious Sailors of San Fernando retire (Cádiz). The first became Navy Minister Franco and the second to Admiral of the fleet and awarded a knighthood.

" Ferrol remain in history as the birthplace of the dictator but it is also one of the regions where repression was more bloody and cruel ", set the socialist. As an example, recall that in just two days, the military rebels judged and executed 45 people in Ares and Mugardos 37. " And so to add 2,708 ferrolanos " they conclude. The majority, 2,615, were male but also shot 94 women, including Amada Garcia, one mugardesa sentenced to death when I was pregnant and executed against the wall of the castle of San Felipe within weeks of giving birth.

 Tags: Ferrol, past, shake


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