
Ferry reservations?

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I usually get to the ferry in Fajardo or on the islands early to buy tickets, but I've been told that it is possible to purchase tickets before hand and make reservations. I am not having any luck getting through to the port authority with the numbers I have. Any suggestions?




  1. Even if you get through on the phone and buy tickets, it is not really a reservation- it is more of a pre-pay.  You will still have to get to the ferry early to pick them up.  Until you actually have a ticket in your hand, you do not have a seat on the ferry.

    But with the prepay, you can go to a special window, so you don't have to wait on a long line.

    It is nearly impossible to get through on the phone to them.  Very frustrating!

  2. If you have someone locally that can go there, do that.  Over the phone is soooo frustrating and the chances of them answering are so slim, I know.  We just go in person.  

    Double check the numbers just in case.

    Fajardo 787-863-0705/0852/4560


  3. Ugh they are completely unhelpful and slow. I've heard of the reservations, but we always talk about them as if they were an urban legend: A friend of a cousin of my dad's coworker said he once made reservations..." (Yeah, right. He was probably friends with the head of the office)

    Getting them on the phone is a complete waste of time, so don't even go there. Honestly, you're better off getting there a couple of hours early. That's what we all do anyway.

  4. Urban Legend for sure!!! Believe me, everybody would love to be able to avoid wake up at 5 in the morning to be there super early just to get there and discover that there is already a line of 200 people in front of you, and the ladies are screaming no more tickets for today!!! Even though you always get your tickets and get to Culebra just in time for the party. This is such a classic, Man I miss my Island!!!!
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