
Ferrying Aircraft?

by Guest56633  |  earlier

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Does any body have info or know where I can get info on becoming a farry pilot (or what ever the correct term is for pilots who fly aircraft out to customers)?




  1. vfdsaf

  2. Yes, ferrying aircraft can be a legitimate occupation and there are many professional companies who do this, Southern Cross being just one example. In general these companies prefer higher-time pilots with travel benefits (i.e. airline pilots off duty). Experience (including type ratings ) and currency in the type of aircraft to be ferried is a must from an insurance standpoint, whether it is a Cessna 150 or a Beech 1900 or a BBJ. For international ferrying, you'll also need some sort of previous international experience plus a passport or they won't even consider you, except perhaps as a copilot. You might look into applying for a job with an aircraft sales company or aircraft manufacturer of the type of aircraft you are experienced with, where demonstrating and ferrying planes is part of the job. I built a couple hundred hours in this way by ferrying Pipers, Cessna, and other light aircraft for individuals as well as a local aircraft dealers. I also have an acquaintance who has ferried aircraft all over the world, including what I consider a bit foolish: ferrying a C-172 non-stop from California to Hawaii. This required special fuel tanks and a waiver from the FAA, but I will say the money was good at $4k for a single flight. That same person also had an engine failure on a similar over-water flight in a single engine aircraft and was lucky enough to ditch next to a ship that picked her up. (yes, her).

  3. To do anything involving you sitting in the cockpit of an airplane and getting paid you need to get your commercial Ratings. I am not very sure if such proferssion exist. Maybe in order for a company or private owner to buy the airplane they ether need someone already hired to fly it (Coorporate Pilot) or they need to fly themselfs. But thats just a guess. Hope I helped a little. Don't ever let anyone discourage you though.

  4. there is no such profession as a ferry pilot. ferrying aircraft is usually pretty well sought after overtimime within companies and most often left up to those with a lot of prior experience and seniority within a company.

    when airlines pickup aircraft from the manufacturer they usually send their most senior pilot to conduct and "acceptance flight" he or she checks the aircraft for any flaws etc, makes sure anything that needs to is corrected before final paperwork is signed.

  5. Most new airplanes are picked up at the factory by a pilot from the customer airline or cargo service qualified in the type.

    During the Second World War there were so many airplanes to be delivered in Europe and the Pacific that civilian ferry pilots were used to fly them out.  During peace time that practice is rare.

    Airlines often use the same pilots that are qualified as safety pilots and check ride examiners as ferry pilots.  These are pilots with high seniority who bid for the job.   You would have to fly for the company for several years.

    Receiving of corporate jets and even smaller general aviation airplanes usually works the same way: pick it up at the factory.  If a flight school buys a new trainer from Belchfire Aircraft, Ltd., they send one of their instructors to pick it up.

    So if you come up through the ranks, qualify high on the scale, and keep your ear to the ground, you may luck out and have some opportunities.


    try this contact them

  7. the 3rd answer (retired pilot) got it right. No airline would trust pilot not their own to ferry a flight. He has to be a safety and a check pilot at the same time.

    However if you feel like being a mercenary pilot one like in the movies ferry drugs, guns and other illegals maybe try advertising your self as a mercenary pilot willing to take the risk and the heat (from enemy flak).

    Another thing try contacting some aircraft leasing companies ex. GEICAS they have their own pilot I think or hire this for hire pilots to do the ferrying for their return to lessor aircrafts if the new lessee had not supplied them with pilot which is usually the case.

  8. Try this outfit. Last I heard they were located in Camarillo, CA. They're for real.
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