
Fertile clinic?

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hi just wondering if any one can help me, me and my boyfriend are atending the fertile clinic this month has our doctors booked us in to really scared though as i dont no what is going to happen :( or what they any one been throught the same situation as me or knows what will happen as they said they can not tell us untill we atend.thanks




  1. Well when you go they're going to ask you and your boyfriend question about your reproductive system and determine what will be the best method to help you conceive, they may want to count your boyfriend sperm and give you and ultrasound to see if your tubes are clear. in my opinion a fertility clinic is very warm and welcoming, if it's a good clinic you will love your experience.

  2. first off, relax and be positive about whatever would happen there. and consider yourself lucky enough to have finally got an appointment at the fertility clinic to start the treatment.

    goodluck to you both!

  3. they will probably first check your boyfriend as its easier to check a man. They will check the quantity and quality of a sample of his sperm. they will also do tests to check your hormone production (blood tests) and possibly a scan of your uterus and ovaries to check for scarring and menstrual problems such as cysts and endometritus.

    i have not been to an appointment myself but i have watched programs on the subject.

    ps your young and even fertile people can take years to concieve, perhaps you and your boyfriend can get married first, that will take your mind off it and you may get a little bundle of surprise before the wedding even comes around.
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