
Fertility after Depo Provera??

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Ok. I got my first depo shot May 2, 2008. My renewal shot was for July 23rd, 2008. I never went to get it, because I didnt like the fact that I didnt get my period at all while on depo. And i heard alot of bad things about it. Since the shot is for 3 months, Im guessing it was supposed to "expire" in my body Aug 2, 2008. It is the 16th, and I still havent gotten my period. I had stomach cramps and pains in my ovary the other day. But no period? If my partner and I want to conceive in the near future, I wont have any problems will I? I know some people it takes a while to get their period back, but I only had the shot once...thats it... I wasnt on it for years like some people. But thanks for your help!!




  1. i have been off of the depo shot for 4 years now. i was on the shot for 12 years and my doctor did not tell me that i was suppose to be on it for only 5 years. i got married in 2006 and i have almost been married for 3 years now. the second year of my marriage my husband and i was ttc for our first child. i noticed that i was not getting pregnant the last 2 years and i went finally to see a doctor. come to find out i was not ovulating. that shot messed my body up also to the point to where iam not ovulating anymore. i guess after those 12 years my body had gotten use to not ovulating and when i got off and ttc my ovualation never got back on track. my advice to you is dont ever go back for that shot. you did the right thing by getting off. doctors will not tell you the information i just did becasue they want you to continue getting the shot so they can get paid. depo is bad as h**l and it should be taken off of the market!

  2. I only had three injections total, and my last one was in March 2007.  I have been TTC since then with no luck.  My period didn't even return until Dec 2007, and my cycles have been very erratic.  Shortest one was 22 days, longest 110.

    As other women have said, every woman reacts differently.  Ask your doctor about trying to conceive faster.

    Good luck!

  3. I was on depo for 4 years and never once had a period.  Once my husband and I decided we wanted to try to get pregnant, I stopped the depo shot and was put on birth control pills for a couple of months to get back a regular cycle.  After two months of being off the pills, we were pregnant.  

    Depo can stay in your system longer than most birth control.

  4. My last dep shot was on Apr 1 2008 and as of today I am 10 weeks pregnant.

    I was on depo for 2.5 years and it didn't hurt my body at all.

    The cramping that you are feeling in your ovaries (if similar to mine) may be them waking up and getting back into action.

    The thing about Depo (same as many other methods) is that it will react to each person differently. However, there really is no reason that you shouldn't be able to conceive in the near future especially if you are starting to feel your ovaries and other organs getting back into action.

    If there is anything else that I can help you with please feel free to email me.

  5. i took that shot and never had any probs i have three  kids i got pregnant about 4 months after  i stoped taking it should ask ur doctor about it i also didn't have a period while on it but i'm fine so go talk to ur doctor about it and use something eles.

  6. i was on the shot too but for alot longer and it really messed my body up. i stopped taking it but didnt get my period for months.....i was on it for at the most two years so that may be why it took so long for me but if your worried ask your doctor or get looked at

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