
Fertility and ovulation question

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My husband and I do natural family planning. We wanted to get pregnant last month, and we did:) But then we had a miscarriage :( So I went to the Dr. Last Monday (6 days ago) and got really good test results. All is normal including any blood tests that you could possibly do.

Anyway, on Monday, the Dr. said that I was ovulating. I track my cervical mucus and the ovulation cervical mucus started about 7-10 days ago. It is still here!!!

We are not trying to get pregnant again. We haven't had s*x since last Sunday so we don't get pregnant until after one normal period, then start trying again.

Why on earth would I STILL have the fertile ovulation type cervical mucus a week after I ovulated??? I have NEVER had that kind of cervical mucus for this long!!!

Any ideas???




  1. How did your doctor know that you are ovulating?  No offense to your doctor, but unless he did an ultrasound and saw a follicle erupting from your ovary, then he was just guessing.  Maybe based on your hormone levels, maybe based on how much time had passed since your miscarriage.  In any event, if you are still having the fertile type cervical mucus, then I would assume that you haven't yet ovulated.  After a miscarriage, your body can be very confused.  If you are still flushing out the pregnancy hormones, it can cause a lot of strange things to happen with your cervical mucus.  It may be that your body is gearing up for ovulation, but it can't quite get the hormone levels right, so it just keeps going & going.  After women have a baby, when their fertility gets ready to return, they often have fertile mucus for 1-2, maybe even 3 weeks straight.  It's almost like your body is having to relearn how to get those hormones back to the right levels again.  So it's not unusual at all.  Women have different reactions after a miscarriage, especially depending on how old your baby was at the point of miscarriage.  The further along you were, usually the longer it will take your body to get back to normal, but that differs for every woman.  Be patient with yourself, everything will work out!!

  2. I'm not being funny...How do you measure cervical mucus?

    Could it be because you were pregnant? Maybe your body hasn't caught up to what happened yet?

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