
Fertility questions?

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okay my last period was july 20th. i'm pretty sure i ovulated on the 1st of Aug. we had intercourse then. how long does it take for the sperm to reach the egg? if it takes, how long does it take for the fertilized egg to implant? on what estimated day would i be considered pregnant? i know it won't show up on a test until between the 15th and 20th, but around what time would i be considered pregnant if the egg implanted. i should know this by now we've been ttc for 2.5years already. i have irregular cycles and just got them back, so we just actively started trying again. i need refreshed.





  1. The sperm should reach the egg is seconds really. And it's possible if you've had s*x in the past 3-5 days that sperm was sitting up there waiting to meet the egg. It takes about 7-10 days for the egg to implant. I'm not sure on which day you would be considered "pregnant" except the day when you get a positive test. I would suggest treating yourself like you were pregnant the entire time you are TTC, meaning no alcohol, quitting smoking and all those things. How are you sure you ovulated? Do you chart or use Ovulation Predictor Kits? And your dr can give you more specific advise for you personal situation. Good Luck!

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