
Fertility testing??

by  |  earlier

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How do you get a fertility test?

Do you have to be trying to conceive, or can you get one for just your own personal knowledge?




  1. There's not just one test for fertility...there are tons of things that can cause infertility so there are tons of tests for both the man and woman to determine what is wrong for them. Typically, a doctor won't do any testing until a couple has been trying to conceive for 1 year (6 months if the woman is over 35).

    If you have reason to believe you may be infertile, like you have a condition known to cause infertility, you can talk to your doctor about it, find out the chances of you having a problem conceiving etc., but there's no way to know if you're going to have a problem until you actually start trying.

  2. i think you have to have been trying to conceive for at least 12 months with no success.

  3. Funny... every single doctor I know WILL order it for you regardless of what you say, you just have to want it.

    They had these given out in the army like candy.

  4. if you have regular periods and no reason for concern as far as your fertility then you really don't want to get involved in fertility testing insurances don't normally cover and it can be emotionally and physically draining. if you want to conceive quickly you can always clear blue ovulation tests they are easy to use and accurate

  5. They usually won't order any testing until you have been trying to get pregnant for atleast 1 year. If you have a medical problem though that may affect fertility they may test sooner but they won't just do the tests for no reason
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