
Fertility treatments and trying to conceive?

by  |  earlier

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Today I went to the doctors and I had my twins with me. As I was sitting there a couple who are not yet pregnant but are going to see the OB sp they wife decided to make small talk with me. After 5 minutes she asked me when my baby is due, and I told them Feb 21 and they both looked shock maybe because of my size I also added I was having sextuplets... As soon as I said that the woman was like "OMG I want sextuplets so bad!" I was pretty shocked to hear that but then she was like "yea..were asking our OB to give us triplets..." I was so I was speechless. I just thought in my head is this couple nuts!

So my question is do you think there are doctors out there that if a couple wanted multiples they would put them on invitro or anything just so they could have triplets?

I mea are the doctors that would do that? I would guess maybe for a price but still...I'm curious if there are actual people trying to get multiples and doctors give them 3 or 4 babies?!?




  1. When trying to conceive some women take fertility pills and those pills give you a higher chance of conceiving multiples. So yes if you ask the doctor you want twins or triplets they might prescribe the pill to you.

  2. No, I think it would be too dangerous (and probably illegal) for a doctor to TRY extra hard to give a mother a multiple birth. We all know the risks. If the mother got seriously ill or died, the doctor could lose their license of knowingly increasing the medical risks. IVF should always be the final  step in getting pregnant when other options have failed. Of course, that doesn't stop dumb people from taking Clomid without a prescription and without medical supervision. I guess they think they're immortal!

  3. yeah I think they could do that with iVF.not sure. but how come your having sextuplets??? WOW!!!

  4. I don't know of any way that doctors can guarantee multiples.  Obviously with fertility treatment, the chances increase, but I don't see how he could "give them triplets."  I wouldn't mind twins, but that's enough for me!

  5. No doctor is going to "give" someone triplets. Every effort to reduce the chance of multiples will be taken; there are too many risks to the mother and the babies. To do IVF for a couple that is capable of conceiving naturally would be malpractice- no doctor is going to risk their license and insurance for it.

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