
Fever at 40C! Should I bring him to hospital?

by  |  earlier

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My 19mth son having fever yesterday, averagely 38 to 39, today suddenly goes up to 40. We;ve already see doctor and feeding medicine as told. We also do everything including sponge and shower with tap water. The question is, should we bring him to hospital? or when should we bring him if the fever keep going 38 to 39? Thanks!




  1. Not being that up on my math-i went and converted it.I was shocked when i found thats 104 fahrenheit. UH----Yes you should take him to the hospital! You should have already been there. You arent going to find any answers to his problems on the net, he needs to see a doctor ASAP.

  2. oh my, that's hot! I would call your doctor immediately as well as take him into emergency. Something isn't right and he shouldn't be getting worst after he's been treated.

  3. Yes you shld.  A fever tt high can cause brain damage as the brain cells will stop functioning due to the extreme heat.

    Pls, bring him to the hospital immediately!

  4. You should just in case.

    Better to not be sorry.

  5. give him panadole or nurophen for kids and if it doesnt bring it down take him to the hospital....  what has the doc told you??? if they have a fever for more than a full 24 hr time its better to get him checked...its high and doesnt seem to be going down...but panadole will help so see how it goes and lots of water!!

  6. The only thing the temperature can do is give a febrile convulsion - harmless but frightening for you, if he has one and it lasts more than 5mins phone an ambulance.

    Is he acting differently? Lathargic? If so yes get him to hospital ASAP. Good luck.

    EDIT: Then it is most probably a virus - giv ehim plenty of fluids!! and let him walk round in just his nappy. I am sure he will be fine, just keep an eye on him and if he gets worse or symptoms change get him to a doc!

  7. First, don't panic. Kids get fevers, and some seem pretty high.

    You should contact his pediatrician for confirmation and further advice!

    Make sure he stays hydrated. Fluid is of great importance. It helps his body fight the infection and without it, the infection can get worse. Food isn't as important, but he should eat something (even if just a bite here or there). Children's Pedialyte is a good source of fluid, but water is also fine.

    Paracetemol and ibuprofen are the preferred medications for fever in children. Do not under any circumstances give him aspirin - it is linked to a very serious illness called Reye's Syndrome. Follow the bottle dosing for children his age, and do not overdose him. Paracetamol and ibuprofen can be given concurrently, but it would be better to just start with the ibuprofen and wait an hour. If his temperature is still above 39, then give the acetaminophen. If it is below, then let him ride it out. Remember, a fever is the body's way of fighting infection, and carrying a small fever is acceptable.

    Dress him down in just a nappy or nappy and onesie. Don't over dress or cover him in blankets, that will only cause the fever to go higher. With 40, some extra cooling such as sponges or tepid baths may be helpful, but a very rapid change in temperature can lead to a febrile seizure.

    Please also take the time to call his pediatrician. The doctor may have additional or other advice, or wish to see him.

    If there is any doubt, or this isn't working, by all means go to the doctors office or to emergency.


  8. If you feel your son is in danger, by all means take him to a hospital.

    On a side note, any medicines designed to bring down a fever do not actually bring the fever down. They work by blocking the signal to the brain that is controlling the fever. The body is telling the brain to raise the temperature to kill pathogens. Medicines block that signal, so the brain never receives it, and thus doesn't raise the temperature anymore, but the body keeps sending that signal. As the body realizes its signal is going unnoticed, it will send a stronger signal. That means that when the brain finally does get that signal (such as when the medicines wear off), the fever will go up higher because the signal is stronger.

    Try and help the fever along by soaking your son in a moderately warm (but NOT hot) bath. With you helping the fever along, the body won't have to work as hard and thus won't have to keep raising the temperature.

    You can alternate warm baths with a cool/lukewarm cloth on his forehead to keep him comfortable, but don't soak him in cold water or keep cold compresses on him for too long.

    Again, this is by no means a medical diagnosis. If you feel your son is in danger and you would be more comfortable with him under the eye of a doctor, take him to the hospital.

    however, most fevers will break on their own and fevers will RARELY go above 41C in normal, healthy children. They usually reach that point and then the body will stop raising the temperature (remember, the body is SMART. It knows what is too hot.) If he is behaving normally, there isn't too much to worry about. Just move the fever along. When he stops behaving normally, that is when you should worry.

  9. I hope you can't read my answer because you are in the ER, if your are reading it now and he still has a fever, stop reading and GO!

  10. Oh I sympathise with you. I went on holiday last week and when we arrived in the airport my 8 week old baby had a temperature of 40 and we were told to go straight to the hospital. The hospital said that temp is high and she was given a pessary to take her temp down immediatley. When it comes to your precious little bundle I would go to hospital if his temp hasnt decreased although he is older than my baby and the hospital said that babies often get temperatures and it may not be anything really and they'll get over it but I wouldn't risk it!

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