
Few cigarettes a year harmfull?

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If I was to smoke no more than say 4 cigarettes a year, would this still be harmfull?




  1. hey thats a step. i smoke a pack a day, i wish i could only smoke 4  a year. good for u.

  2. Yes. No matter how much you smoke it effects your whole system.

  3. Not particularly, unless you burn yourself or something.

    Smoking's harms come from  doing it regularly,  Even several cigarettes a month would not be statistically harmful.

    Go ahead and enjoy a smoke every so often.

  4. I don't think its all that harmful,however I suggest you stop it all together.Personally I used to smoke like you and with time I found excuses to to increase once in a while.Now it has become a habit and I wish I never started at all.

    Its like becoming a slave to a habit you chose freely. So its worth not to try at all.

  5. Not in one way. They would degrade your health only very marginally, as much as a couple of days inhaling exhaust fumes in a big city. But they also represent a small risk of something much worse.

    This risk is not large, and the first four are as risky as the next four and the next and the next. And that is partly why so many people die.

    Each four cigarettes, only present a health small risk.  It is like playing Russian roulette with a gun with a lot of chambers. You'll be fine, till one day, if you get unlucky, one of those cigarettes "blows your head off" with a stroke, or gives you a tumour, which in the lung is one of the most incurable and unpleasant ways to die.

    Smoking only four cigarettes a year presents only a very marginal degradation in your health and only a very small risk of something much worse.

    But, once you get the feel for the drug that cigarettes contain, then when you have a bad life event (a breakup, a failed exam, getting fired - bad things happen to us all), then the four cigarettes are likely to escalate.

    Some very few people can keep to only a few cigarettes. Some people give up. But I read somewhere that the majority of people who start smoking do not give up smoking unless their health is seriously degraded or they die.

    Bearing that in mind, four cigarettes in fact present a big health risk.

  6. a guy i know said that at first .. now he smokes 4 cigarettes an hour !

    now answer mine plz

  7. no, but what is the point of only smoking only a few a year.  might as well not smoke

  8. Yes. Matter a fact it can be more harmful than say smoking 4 per week. I did research on this. You need to stop smoking.

  9. any amount of cigarettes is harmful. only idiots smoke.


  10. What would be the use? It's kind of like saying can I inhale bugs spray in my mouth four times a year, it's still bad for you.


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