
Few doubts,is there anyone who can helpme out ?

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The scenario

Age 23, working in one of the mnc IT pro

I was very happy and enthusiastic, I have come across disaster situations in my life never felt depressed.However, I saw girl two years ago in my office working with me.Since then I am lost.I was very good to her in office.I wanted to be close to her due to shyness couldn't.

speak to her.Finally, i couldn't resist I did propose her via mail which was a total mess up. Since then she ignored me. have sent several mails asking sorry she is not responding or not giving me proper response.

How do I determine if she is still single r committed which is the reason she is ignoring me ?

What do I do now?

I am planning to call her up this weekend suggest me what to speak.

How do I go about it?

Alternatively, do I have to just forget everything ?




  1. Just forget her. Next time when this happen don't send her 100 emails, just add in the first email that you're asking her out that if she doesn't want to go out with you then you don't want to lose her as a friend. Although to me, I think if a girl found out that you like her, things will not be the same. Think about it, if you do any action it will be a question is he doing this out of love or just as friends?

    And to be honest I don't like torturing myself, if I like her and she said no then what's the point of meeting her everyday and think about her or maybe even share with her who she is interested in or get jealous when she goes out with someone.

    You asked her, her answer was no. Out and move on.

  2. she is not at all interested. But as u work 2gether, u shud apologise.

    Call her, tell her everythng u feel, be sorry & then i ll say ask her if she can be ur friend.

  3. talk to her at work

  4. well maybe she got put off due to your email... dont ring her, email her again just saying "hi there, hope you are ok. about my email the other day, i hope it did not offended you or upset you in anyway and i hope we can still be friends".

    just be cool, normal and dont seem desperate :)

    good luck x*x

  5. I'm not surprised she is ignoring you.  You haven't spoken to her because you are shy but you send her an e-mail proposing????

    Leave her alone and stop harrassing her.  You weirdo.

  6. wait you proposed her without knowing if she was commited married to with anyone?? that was too bold a step.. contact with her friends in office...

  7. areee yaaar , the first  mistake you did is you didnt show courage, girls like guys who shows courage. second you proposed thru a mail  by which  she could easily ignore you. Now you should rectify the mistake, go and speak to her but not in office she will be feeling odd to speak to you in office, find som other place where she will be more free.

  8. You should just forget it....

  9. the worst thing is to forget,

    just chill n when shes ready she will talk,

    if ur a nice guy, im sure she'll be running to you.

    keep ur hopes up and never back down


  10. Time to move on, had she been interested she would have made her feelings known. Its hard to care for someone who doesnt feel the same way, but you will make it pass this. Sorry.

  11. Well first of all, proposing thru email is not the way to go.  If you want to say something, say it in person.  Secondly, in my honest opinion, she isn't interested in you otherwise she would've at least attempted to discuss it with you.

  12. forget everything and start in a manly way with another suitable one. you can always take professional help and also the help of matrimonial sites.

  13. What did you 'propose' !!!????

    Try  to help you with making a powerful presence, build confidence & overcome shyness with women.  I think this will really help you.  I think you can get the 'power of presence' dvd for free (just P&P), it is a very profound stuff.

    Good luck.

  14. bump her off!! Never go for a person who puts a lot of weight around else even if they fall for you for the rest of your life you would need to deal with the person's supiriority complex making your life horrible.

    There are a 101 Ladies available go for anyone else not her.

  15. this girl doesn't sound like she is interested in you.  you appologized to her once just leave it at that.  

    i dont think it s a good idea to keep contacting her,  it sounds like you are harrassing her,  which isnt a good thing to do to anyone.

    So I suggest to just leave her alone.

  16.    ? what did you just say?

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