
Few questions about Florence?

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I'm staying near florence for 2 weeks soon with my family.

What are some good things to do in the city and around that area?

Will it be hot?

I know it's not near the coast but is there a nice beach to travel to for the day? and would it be better going by car or train?

Is there anything else i should know before going?





  1. Yes, Florence is one of the hottest cities of Italy in summer. Sorry to tell you that. The beaches are I hour away by train or car. You can reach Pisa by train and then catch a bus to Tirrenia where the beaches are. Or rent a car, take the S.G.C. FI.PI.LI. (it's the name of the highway) and follow the direction Tirrenia. A nice place to see could be San Gimignano, a small village with seven old towers on the hill. It takes a car to get there but it's not far.  There is Pisa 1 hour away, famous for the leaning tower.

  2. Florence is hot now, and it's an hour drive to the beaches.  Pisa (leaning tower) is also towards the shore..

    Florence has some great attractions (Duomo, Pointe Vecchio, Arno River, Michelangelo, Galileo.

    It's worth buying a travel book at you local bookstore to do some initial research.  Alot of the books have day trip information that I found useful when I was there 6 weeks ago in June.

  3. Florence was my favorite city while visiting Italy.  The food is really good and there is so much to see.  Just about all the sites are within walking distance: The Duomo, Michaelangel's David, and many other interesting sites.  It probably will be warm so I would dress light.  If you go by train, expect delays as the Italians are always on strike.  I would drive.

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