
Few questions about MCT?

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I'm going to MCT at Camp Pendleton in a week, and just have a few questions.

Am I allowed to wear my own PT shoes now? Or do I have to wear the go-fasters that were issued to me at MCRD? Also, along the same lines as that, can I wear my own boxers now or are those d**n white skivvies the only thing allowed?

Can I leave some of the uniforms at home, just the stuff I know I won't be wearing, like the big all-weather trenchcoat. That thing just takes up space.

Can I smoke on base now, or are there still regulations like there was at boot?




  1. My husband (who is a Marine trained at Camp Pendleton) says you can wear your own PT shoes. Each instructor is different as far as rules and regulations go. His instructor allowed for them to dip but seldom smoke.

    You can wear your own boxers but you are out in the field everyday except Sunday so keep that in mind. On Sundays you are on liberty and if your platoon behaves you can usually go out.

    Bring all of your uniforms, even the big all-weather trench coat, because you usually have to leave for school immediately after MCT graduation and you must take all of your stuff with you.

    Good luck!

  2. Yes you can wear your own boxers..

    Yes you can smoke now on base...

    Yes you can wear your own go-faster BUT I would not purchase any until you get there to ensure they are appropriate according to their standards.

    You must take everything with you as far as clothing items unless your orders say to only  bring a certain amount of stuff..Read your orders for MCT..They will tell you what to bring..Once done with MCT you go to your school, so you will need your uniforms.

    Even during MCT and school they will try to mess with your by treating you like new Marines, so dont be shocked when they say you cant smoke here or there..Its just mind games..They go away once you get to your unit if your active duty.

    Semepr Fi Marine

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