
Few questions about Mollie fry in a tank with sponge filter.- Pictures included?

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Alright, so I have about 40 Mollie fry. I had them since last Friday (Monday now). I had NO losses (except 3), so I guess they're doing really fine. Now, I have a breeding net in the 55 gallon, the problem is that it's h**l to clean out, I have to take the fry out, clean the net, put the fry back. This is a lot of stress for them. When I bought my Betta, they gave me a 1.5 gallon with the fish (I put him my 10 gallon anyways) I decided to use the 1.5 gallon for my future fry and this batch also. Follow the link for a picture:

So, is this filter good? And can I put it sideways- Horizontally? The tank isn't “tall” enough to that I can put it vertically. Follow the link for pictures:



Is this filter good for fry or is it dangerous for them?

I won't be putting gravel in it either they get stuck in it, poor babies.

When will my fry be out of the woods? What I mean, is that usually some of them will die, the weaker ones and so on. When is that period going to be over? Follow the link for a picture:





  1. I have seen that tank in the store, it is a 1/2 gallon, not 1.5 gallons. That filte looks ok, still a little bit of a risk to the fry, maybe move them in when they are slightly larger? At petsmart you can buy a 2.5 gallon tank instead of 1/2 gallon for the fry. You can also try putting a nylon stocking around the filter so it can not suck up the fry.

    Good luck with your mollies!

  2. the tank and the filter will be ok just put loads of plants in there for them and they will hide between it all and stay away from the filter its best to wait 1-2 months before putting them back into the original tank,this way they will be big enough not to fit in the mouths of the other fish hope this helps u out and good luck  

  3. You need to buy a new sponge filter, a much smaller one. One that big has a current that is too strong for your fry and it will stress them out. Yes sponge filters can be put in sideways. Just don't use the big one. An adjustable one, preferably, on the lowest setting. A filter is beneficial, but only a very slow-moving filter. And preferably get a bigger tank, at least 3 gallons (it can be inexpensive) Your fry will grow very quickly. After 2 months you should be able to move them into a community tank. Good luck!

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