
Few questions about Rugby Union?

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1. When someone from the other team gets tackled... What happens?

2. If someone from MY team gets tackled, What happens?

3. If I get tackled.. I'm on the ground, when can I get up?

4. When there's a scrum and you arent in it, where do you stand?

I might think of more.. So I'll just add it to the details ;]

Thanks. Oh and try to explain in fine detail, but easy to understand for a person who has never played before.




  1. Just watch England play, it'l answer al your questions.

  2. 1- if someone from the other team get tackled your team try to take the ball from him but you must be on you feet otherwise the referee  will blow his whistle for  a penalty to the other team.

    so if you and your teammates weren't able to take the ball directly from the player you should try to push the other team supporters away from the ball and take it.

    note: if you realized that no way to take the ball stop pushing and save your energy.

    2- if someone from your team get tackled go for support immediately and form a ruck by pushing the other team of the ball. or if you noticed there is space quickly pick up the ball and run with the ball trying to score or gaining territory.

    3- if you get tackled release the ball as fast as you can, because if you didn't and the referee saw that you are holding on the ball he will blow his whistle and award a penalty to the other side, but if you that your teammates are away from you to support try to hold on a little to give them enough time to be there to support you, and when you get tackled and neither  the tackler nor the other team's supporters holding you you can get up again quickly and resume playing and running, but if there anyone holding you, you must do what i wrote before.

    4- when scrum is formed and you are not one of the players forming the scrum, you should stand behind the last foot of the last player in the scrum normally no.8, this is the normal state, but in some rules like ELVs or in some countries there is other rules like stand 5 meters behind the last foot.

    Finally i hope i was helpful, next time try to ask only one question so that people can answer easily without being afraid they wrote to much, and i hope you enjoy playing rugby.

  3. I just leanrned about this in school.

  4. 1. when someone from the other team gets tackled, the tackler and your other teammates try and get the ball from him, but you must stay on your feet whilst attempting this.

    2. If someone from your team gets tackled then they must present the ball to your team and not hold onto the ball, this is why you and your team must be there right behind him as he goes down to help protect the ball and push it back into the safety of your team ready for the next play.

    3. If your tackled, as mentioned, present the ball, wait till all the big guys get off you and get up as soon as possible so you can rejoin play.

    4. If there is a scrum and you are a back lets say, you would, depending on offence of defence, stand in a straight defensive line 10m back from the play of ball, or in a diagonal line heading backwards ready to run onto the ball and play it offensively.

    Hope that helps. Ahh Rugby Union easily the best game on Earth. Carn the WALLABIES!!!

  5. 1. When someone from the other team gets tackled... What happens?  it depends.... if the tackle happens and no one else form either team is around, either the tackler or tackled person can grab the ball AFTER she stands up and start running again.  chances are there will be and should be other team members around... but if someone from the other team gets tackled and you arent the tackler, you want to join a RUCK or come up to a flat line in a defensive stance.  the ruck is a fight for possesion.  as the person is tackled, she will turn to present the ball to her team, but must release it once on the ground.  your team will then try to step over the ball and ruck over it, by walking/ pushing over it to gain possession.  chances are, if a ruck is done correclty, the other team will retain possession.  so your team will want to run a defense where theres the ruck and then people posted on each side (to prevent a pick and go) and then you line up across the other team man on man ina  flat line (you must be behind the last foot of the ruck/ maul)  a maul ahppens when the tackle doesnt go to ground.  either way, you will either join the ruck/ maul or line up in a flat line behind the last foot of the ruck or maul (this depends on you location on the field, proximity of the play to you, and what position you're playing)

    2. If someone from MY team gets tackled, What happens?  if someone from your team is tackled then you want to either join the ruck/ maul or get in an offensive diagonal line and get ready to run onto the ball.  it really depends on the psoition you play and where you are on the field and how close you are to the ball.  the scrum half will dig it out of the ruck and pass it out to the line or choose to feed it to a pack player or pod of pack players for a pick and go play.

    3. If I get tackled.. I'm on the ground, when can I get up?

    you get up when you can.  but you want to make sure and set the ball to your team.  as you're tackled you want to end up on the ground so you are facing your team and extend the ball as far out as you can- you can leave your hand on top of the ball to stablize it until the scrum half can pick it up.  but if youre tackled, you must release the ball once youre on the ground and the other team can step over you and pick it right up.  usually you'll be the last one away from a ruck if youre the one tackled.  if no one is rucking over you, you can stand up and grab the ball again and keep going.  you must release the ball though.

    4. When there's a scrum and you arent in it, where do you stand?

    it'll depend on the psoition you're playing... your coach can help you... and also if your team is putting the ball in the scrum or not.  if youre putting the ball in, you will be lined up diagonally in a line, ready to run onto a pass.  if the other team is putting it in, you will be lined up flat to defend.  

    check out the usa rugby site - they have good info.  if you go to the top left menu theres a button that says "fans"... click that and on that page youll find a link to "a spectators guide to rugby"- it has good diagrams and simplified rules.

  6. 1. try get the ball off them, if you can make them hold onto the ball so your team gets a penalty.

    stay on your feet and grab the ball off the player if you can, if not, drive the other team off the ball.

    2. If its your player either ruck over the ball so your team keeps it, maul it by supporting the players, either bind ether side of them, or rip the ball off them.

    3.when you are tackled, hold onto the ball as long as you can, the referee will tell you to let go, thats when you let go, but when you hit the ground push the ball hold the ball out towards your team. when the ball has left the ruck thats when you can get up.

    4. if you're not in the scrum, it depends on what your position is, generally just stand back about 5 yards behind the player nearer the scrum. but you will figure it out eventually

    hope i helped

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