
Few questions about fish.?

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I got 55 gallon tank. Today I got rid of 4 of my 6 Cichlids, I'm stuck with two before I find them a new home. I have in my tank right now, 10 Cory's Panda, 3 Pleco's (Temporarily), 11 Sailfin Mollies and Three Guppies.

Cichlids (are one inch and half each, Yellow lab and Cherry Zebra) are known to be aggressive, but do you think for a week or two my fish will be alright (the time I find another suitable home for them)?

Now my New Sailfin Mollies are huge, 2 inches and half, and the three old ones are only 1-1/2 inch, will this cause a problem?

The small male is trying to s*x with all the big females (which is kind of funny given his size compared to them). And the two Bigger males are trying to s*x with the guppies (Weird, he's trying to “sexually greet” them, or is it aggression?). Is this normal?

Now, when I get rid of my Cichlids, is my tank going to be overcrowded?

I was thinking of putting the three Guppies in the 10 gallon tank with my female Betta's (which are GREAT community fish, but I had to change their tank because they were getting stuck in the current of the bubbler). Is the 10 gallon too small? Or should I keep all of them in the 55 gallon? I have a feeling if I keep them all in the 55 gallon it's “packed” or am I just paranoid?




  1. Well to be on the safe side it would be best to keep all the guppies in the 10 gallon temporarily or better yet put the 2 cichlilds in the 10 gallon by themselves since they are pretty small and keep all the other fish in the 55 gallon

  2. well i suggest taking the guppies out when yourre done medicating them. but you should get a bowl for the betas because they dont need filters. so you dont have to put bettas in the big tank. then put your guppies in the ten gallon tank and keep the female betta seprate. dont put them all in a 55 gallon tank. good luck .

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