
Few questions on bottle feeding....?

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My baby is 1 week old. If she was bottle fed how often would she eat during the day? at night? how much?

would her diaper changing be any different then being breast fed? more/less dirty & wet ones?




  1. *lol* After day 3-4 you can tell if a baby has had any formula at all in the last 24 hours by the way the p**p smells and looks.  

    A have a friend that's a midwife and she says she doesn't know why moms lie about whether they have given formula.  Its so easy to tell.

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    The first thing to expect is that initially, both bottle- and breastfed babies will pass rather unique first stools, called meconium. These stools are thick, sticky and greenish black, says Maureen Brown-Ginsberg, a registered nurse and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant at Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island. Baby will likely have one to two stools on the first two days of life. Around the third day, you'll see transitional stool, which is greenish brown and will be softer. Two a day is typical for this time.

    During day four, Brown-Ginsberg says there will be a color change to a mustard yellow color. Baby will probably have three stools on days four and five. The seedy, mustard-colored stools will continue from day six through the first four to six weeks. Four a day is average.

    "These numbers are the minimum we'd expect to see," says Brown-Ginsberg. "Many breastfed babies have bowel movements with each feeding, [about] eight to 12 per day. [The] odor is not offensive [and] is milder than that of stools of a formula-fed baby."

    Between 4 to 6 weeks of age, the pattern can change to less frequent bowel movements, Brown-Ginsberg says. The quantity per movement will be greater, though. "Some breastfed babies can have a bowel movement every few days or even once a week," she says. "As long as it remains soft, it is not constipation."  

  2. At 1 wk, i think mine ate about every 2-3 hours around the clock, maybe 3ozs at a time

    Well the more they drink the more wet they will be, as for BM it varies for every baby, it might be once a day, once every couple of days or maybe even 2 or 3 times a day...should be yellowish brown and seedy in texture.

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